An update to the CAD Layer Standards for any organization is normally not an exciting prospect. We can change that. One of the principal goals of the Framework for Civil 3D is to make Civil 3D standards nuance and detail as easy as possible to pull off.
This is no small order when the everyday civil engineering and survey project works extends across a huge…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Sep 12, 2018
Tags Layer Standards, NCS 6.0, ncs 5.0, Civil 3D 2018, Civil 3D 2019, DOD, spreadsheet, customization, Release 8, AddOn
A Civil 3D CAD Manager from a regional civil engineering firm called me the other day. The topic of the Civil 3D Survey functionality for one reason or another came up in our conversation. For those of you who follow this blog, you know I’m a Civil 3D Survey fan for a host of reasons.
The CAD Manager claimed his firm had tried Survey once or twice, but these days ignored…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 21, 2018
Tags survey, survey db, Symbol Set, alignment, point group, iPOD, Civil 3D 2019, Civil 3D 2018
Inside Civil 3D Autodesk uses the common names and terms for civil engineering and survey stuff. However, Civil 3D Features (collected programming objects that work together) can and do behave quite differently from old school CAD objects. We all stumble over this Civil 3D reality a bit.
Last time we talked about Civil 3D’s outwardly convoluted mechanics of Point…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 05, 2018
Tags Civil 3D 2018, Civil 3D 2019, alignment, offset alignment, offset profile, superelevation, video
One of the common user complaints about Civil 3D is the repetitive way you must crawl around the file system to find and get resources. This is certainly one of my pet peeves. Civil 3D has a lot of potential resources. Back in the day, we called the default install’s resource structure…
Down the Rabbit Hole
The reference to Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 08, 2018
Tags implementation, management, survey, query, video, Civil 3D 2018, CAD Standards, Civil 3D 2019, Civil 3D 2017
No matter what release of Civil 3D you want to run, you can bet that the Framework for Civil 3D runs on it. You can also bet on the fact that the Jump Kit you already own will also continue to also improve over time.
All our Framework for Civil 3D customers have to do is show up to download the new goodies.…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 03, 2018
Tags AddOn, spreadsheet, Jump Kit, Civil 3D 2019, Survey, Civil 3D 2018, Layer Standards, ncs 5.0, NCS 6.0