You know the drill. You get a job in a civil engineering and survey firm that hires you because you know AutoCAD Civil 3D. Heck. You passed the official Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D certification exam. In your hire day interview the firm owners even promise to upgrade to the latest release before you start.
That’s great. Opportunity knocks. Congrats.The Plans of Mice and Men
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 05, 2016
Tags CAD Standards, Style Management, Style, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2015, template, Name Template
This blog and website takes on the tough production topics in AutoCAD Civil 3D. Far as I can tell it’s really one of the only Civil 3D blogs that does on a regular basis these days. Thanks to my readers. Follow me on Twitter to get all the posts.
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Ok. Yes. Others bloggers like civil3dreminders…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 31, 2015
Tags Upgrade, Update, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2015, help, Release 6, spreadsheet, blog
With the advent of the latest AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Service Pack 2 comes a new set of update builds to our Production Solution Release 6 products for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016.
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We also released new builds of the Release 6 products for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015. If you…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 17, 2015
Tags Update, Civil 3D 2015, Civil 3D 2016, InstantOn, Jump Kit, Templates Only, Symbol Set
I’m happy to testify that I did Windows 10 on all my Windows computers right away. Nothing to wait for. Sure I tested all my Autodesk apps and they ran fine in Windows 10 prerelease versions. Yes. I use more than one computer and more than one operating system too. Silly me. It’s a geek thing. Someone has to do it. Better me than you.
Be Thankful
It is that time of year.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 19, 2015
Tags windows 10, Update, Service Pack, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2015, Civil 3D 2014
One of the most frequent ways organizations become a new Production Solutions customer is because they hire someone who already employs our products. These people can often demonstrate more AutoCAD Civil 3D skill and in-depth understanding of the capabilities of the Autodesk product.
“Fred? How is it that you seem to get so much work done so much faster in Civil… Read more
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 10, 2015
Tags implementation, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2015, customization