People love and sometimes hate the Bing Maps satellite aerial image functionality inside AutoCAD Civil 3D and all AutoCAD based apps. Perhaps a lot of you just ignore the whole public image thing? The better view of the big picture context can and does help us get our civil engineering design and survey work done a bit quicker. These days we have more choices. The imagery choices…
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Are you completely Data Spaced out?
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Could getting to that spacey stuff that's stuck over there really make you day?
Want to shave light years off your spatial data travel time?
Do you want a lightspeed way to convert…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 18, 2011
Tags autodesk labs, gis, spatial data, FDO
Earlier this week I fired off a post about the on-going Microstation and Autodesk battle for the State DOT software contracts and how that affects all the rest of us.
In that post, I stated the Bentley software had "lost" FDOT (the State of Florida Department of Transportation) to Autodesk.
Not true. My statement was inaccurate.
FDOT has actually…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Aug 12, 2011
A couple of months ago I saw a Bentley software press release that announced that a couple of their civil engineering software products would now include support for the National CAD Standards 4.0. Ooooooo.
I'm rolling around on the floor laughing. Trust me. It's not a pretty sight.
Autodesk Did Not Even Notice
Autodesk didn't have to do anything to respond to this. An Autodesk…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 09, 2011
Tags NCS, ncs 4.0, CAD Standards, implementation, Layer Standards, DOT, CADOT, Caltrans, FDOT
I do my best to keep up with all the Civil 3D stuff going on. Sometimes, I see it and say to myself,
"Hey! That's important to people! I gotta do a post about THAT."
Then the phone rings, someone asks me another question, and just like you I forgeta 'bout it. But I'm keep trying. What goes around comes around.
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One of my Survey Template…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 31, 2011
Tags FDO, Map 3D, imagery, Raster Design, object enabler