Folk complain that Civil 3D is not really user-friendly for Site Design. This is bunk. The complaint is true only if you insist that site design in Civil 3D should be like it was for years in old school CAD software. We insist our AutoCAD skills are more important than new Civil 3D skills and capabilities. About the only thing Civil 3D has in common with that old software is Civil 3D’s use of similar…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 29, 2018
Tags standard keys, Major Key, Minor Key, site design, site parcel, corridors, intersection, parcel, CAD Standards, Adaptive Template Building Blocks
MoreCompetency, Inc released a new and updated open source list of our Civilized Keys for NCS 6.0. These are specific to the NCS 6.0 release. By popular customer request we included in this updated NCS 6.0 list all the AEC Discipline Keys in addition to the traditional Survey and Civil discipline ones supported directly in the Framework for Civil 3D in the past. In other words,…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 15, 2018
Tags NCS, NCS 6.0, Layer Standards, standard keys, Major Key, Minor Key, CAD Standards
The neuroscience behind how we visually identify details in the complexity of the world around us is fascinating stuff. Somehow our brains can and do make sense out of nonsense…or not. Ok. Maybe I’m a crazy person for spending way too much time trying to comprehend how this all works. None-the-less the mechanics and the specifics do matter.
The ability to quickly identify…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 22, 2018
Tags spreadsheet, Layer Standards, CAD Standards, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, customization, standard keys, Major Key, Minor Key, color, layer color, ACI, RGB
What if you had a tool that made the customization all the many details of a Layer System for AutoCAD Civil 3D and AutoCAD-based applications easy? What if that tool worked for interoperable STB or CTB based templates and drawings?
You’d probably want that tool to be easy to use, but able to handle all of the detailed nuances of the many critical Layer properties. You might…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 20, 2018
Tags spreadsheet, Layer Standards, CAD Standards, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, customization, implementation, AddOn, Update, standard keys, Major Key, Minor Key, color, layer color, ACI, RGB
People ask how come our Framework of Civil 3D products don’t use the classic NCS utility layers? Honestly, most civil engineering and survey organization customers tend to like our NCS compliant set of utility Keys and Layers better. Who knew?
People do tend to forget or overlook that the NCS is large building and building project centric. Simply put, the…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 07, 2018
Tags NCS, Layer Standards, utility, CAD Standards, Civil 3D 2018, Civil 3D 2017, Civil 3D 2016, spreadsheet, standard keys, Major Key, Minor Key, color, layer color, ACI, RGB