These days the Framework for Civil 3D products are STB and CTB agnostic. Civil 3D doesn’t care. Why should the Framework? That was the big deal when Release 7 of the Framework first came out. If we make reasonable concessions to a governing set of Layer Property rules and continue to pay extra careful attention to the details, we can publish in either publishing method.
Because this almost…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 10, 2019
Tags STB, CTB, CAD Standards, publish on demand, implementation, Layer Standards
Lordy, I hate to employ that BIM word because everyone wants to turn a bright idea into something shiny and new to sell you. Basically, if it’s new it must be BIM. Therefore, it must be better for you like a New Tide which may no longer clean our clothes as well. Maybe now we also need an OxyClean or another performance supplement? Oh. Bother.
Infomercial Improvement
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 15, 2017
Tags BIM, BIME, STB, CTB, corridor, Infraworks, Civil 3D 2018, video
Long before April Fool’s Day, I saw a classic misinformation post about AutoCAD Civil 3D and named Plot Styles. The stated implication of the post was that Civil 3D object Styles had issues with STB based publishing. Therefore, you as a Civil 3D user should avoid STB and stick with the old CTB technology born back in the dark ages of CAD and pen plotters. All I can say is,
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People ask me all the time what makes the Release 7 Framework for AutoCAD Civil 3D so special. What makes Release 7 so useful? What make R7 productive? What makes the latest version of the Framework the best thing ever for AutoCAD Civil 3D?
Is There a Video?
If I say this short video will blow you mind, you’d probably have every reason to doubt that. People do say crazy stuff these…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 02, 2016
Tags Release 7, STB, CTB, Civil 3D 2015, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2017, video
Our goal from the get go has been to produce a resource Framework for AutoCAD Civil 3D that simplifies the grisly and time-consuming details that make customizing Civil 3D and maintaining that such a money pit for civil engineering and survey organizations. Central to that purpose are the principals of robustness, consistency,…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 29, 2016
Tags Release 6, Release 7, STB, CTB, conversion, CAD Standards, spreadsheet, customization