The maintenance, upkeep, and Updates of our on-going Civil 3D Projects are a big deal for most of us in Civil 3D Land. Some persons handle that entire structure and process personally. Other groups plan to do it corporately. A few manage to Collaborate Pro. Most of the time, we all simply row and bail like mad to…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 17, 2021
Tags XREF, DREF, TREF, IREF, XML, Project Management, BIM Collaborate Pro, project template, Reference Template
Our annotative work is mission critical to our performance and productivity in Autodesk Civil 3D. People do complain about the nuance and complexity of Civil 3D annotation. The work is on the mission critical path of the successful execution of the multiple deliverable sets of any civil engineering or survey project. Best we pay attention and acquire…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 12, 2020
Tags Label Style, Style, Style Management, XREF, DREF, annotation, annotative scale, video, iPOD, DWF, alignment
It is probably fair to say that I’m often more face down in Civil 3D Object Model nuances than a lot of daily Civil 3D users. That makes sense. My personal work depends on that. I build, support and help people implement Civil 3D production environments with the best in-depth collections of Civil 3D Styles, Civil 3D Templates, and other vital Civil 3D resources available on the…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 27, 2020
Tags Civil 3D, feature, feature line, alignment, surface, breakline, DREF, XREF, IREF, parcel, Project Management
Winter is the season when many in Civil 3D Land tend to deploy new releases of software. Autodesk usually drops an end of year bunch of product Updates. Folks also tend to acquire new AEC partners. Hoorah!
It is a cyclical thing…Maybe an Advent of Spring thing. The partners are companies and organizations that we will have to: collaborate with; work with on new projects; and basically, learn…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 23, 2020
Tags CAD Standards, AutoCAD, QAQC, template, Reference Template, TREF, XREF, IREF, customization, Civil 3D
I intentionally employ the metaphor of the US Constitutional principal of the Separation of Powers to talk about how civil engineers and surveyors need to systematically manage to divide and conquer resources and more inside and around Civil 3D. The Arts of Separation help us all to employ the software successfully in production.
The principals of separation are, as they…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 16, 2020
Tags implementation, Project Management, Style Management, names, Dynamiic Model, change management, XREF, DREF, TREF, CAD Standards