The new advertised AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 features are not particularly focused on Civil 3D Survey improvement. Maybe that’s a good thing. If you already learned the benefits and tools of Survey inside Civil 3D, there is nothing serious to work up a sweat over. Right?
Where oh where did my COGO Editor go?
Some of our love-to-hate familiar Survey tools have moved around in the interface.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 09, 2017
Tags Survey, survey db, survey figure, COGO Editor, Traverse, query, video
I sited my first house at the ripe age of 5. God knows why my parents listened to that youthful advice, but they did. Little did I know I had thereby condemned myself to a childhood of hauling groceries and wet laundry bags over a muddy road in the rain every winter. Trust me. It is possible to walk uphill to school both ways in a storm. As the only boy in our family bunch, the road rehab was too…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Apr 04, 2017
Tags survey, alignment, figure, parcel, intersection, survey db, video
Civil 3D Figures happen to be a most excellent adventure in how the simple is sophisticated. This post resolves to save surveyors and civil engineers man-hours in ways you do not expect.
CAD people tend to trust in the picture. AutoCAD Civil 3D does not. We can create Civil 3D Features from CAD primitives (yes even non-ACAD ones). We can explode and export from Civil 3D Features and get…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 28, 2017
Tags figure, survey db, figure db, feature line, feature, Style, video
Far be it for me to instruct surveyors and civil engineers about the vagaries of properties recorded and found. That would be like instructing my childhood chicken farmer neighbor on the art of sucking eggs. Speaking of fertile eggs and chicken farming, I still have one question,
Am I planting them too deep or too far apart?
There are classic CAD means; methods in…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 09, 2017
Tags COGO, COGO Editor, Traverse, Survey Figure Editor, survey, video, tools
AutoCAD Civil 3D does next to nothing to encourage you to do externalize Survey Queries to work across projects. That should sound familiar? Autodesk often ignores the practical Civil 3D user management tools and only gets you 50% of the way there. We can fix that with better Civil 3D civil engineering design and survey…
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