People love and sometimes hate the Bing Maps satellite aerial image functionality inside AutoCAD Civil 3D and all AutoCAD based apps. Perhaps a lot of you just ignore the whole public image thing? The better view of the big picture context can and does help us get our civil engineering design and survey work done a bit quicker. These days we have more choices. The imagery choices…
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June 10, 2014 Google annouced its intention to buy Skybox Imaging (aka Skybox) for $500 million. I'm pretty sure I pointed you all to Skybox just a few days ago. Nah. I didn't own stock so you SEC boys can relax. Martha Stewart - I am not.
You Follow the Money
Sure, the lure of better and more up to date imagery for Google…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Jun 10, 2014
Folks, when I say “skybox” I’m not talking about the deluxe stadium seating reserved for the corporate classes here. Or am I?
Here Civil 3D land we talk about smaller, faster, and more capable survey data gathering using Autodesk Recap 360, MAV (micro air vehicle) or UAS (unmanned aerial systems) technology et al, in the larger Internet of Things you simply can’t ignore…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Apr 18, 2014
People at Autodesk must be read my mind.
I do a post on Imagery in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 on one day and the very next day Autodesk Labs announces a brand new Imagery technology preview for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 and AutoCAD Map 3D 2013.
Honestly, I didn't cheat - not even one little bit.Base Jump into Images and More
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 03, 2012
Tags imagery, aerials, Project Basejump
There are already a couple of Google Earth work arounds for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 floating about in various blog posts from my fellow Civil 3D geeks. If you didn't know, there isn't a working plug-in yet for 2013.
Google Earth is a must have tool to put to use BEFORE you do anything in Civil 3D. For example: You do plan your field surveys in Google Earth first, don't you? I know folks who…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman May 03, 2012