If we employ an AutoCAD based product, our Layer Standards become an issue. OK. Even if we only work on projects with folks who employ an AutoCAD-based product, Layer Standards become an issue.
Why? In Civil 3D Land we all get paid to publish plan sets of civil engineering design and survey projects. It is what we do. Consistent…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 17, 2023
Tags Civil 3D, Layer Standards, Layer State Manager, Jump Kit, Civil 3D 2024, Civil 3D 2023, Civil 3D 2022, customization, video, CAD Standards
The art of production and publication Civil 3D Standards is all about the construction and maintenance of managed, known, and current States. There is no singularity in Civil 3D Standards although such standards can feel like a time-sucking, black hole. After all, we are talking about sets of collections of variable properties.…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 18, 2023
Tags layers, layer state, Layer Manager, CAD Standards, implementation, customization, video, Layer State Manager
The Framework for Civil 3D Jump Kit product is notable and perhaps even famous for the product’s native support for multiple variations of the National CAD Standard (NCS) Layer Standards. These include the current NCS 6.0 and NCS 6.0 AIA variants. These common NCS Layer Standard variants are variously required for GSA, DOD, and US Army Corps project submittals.
People ask,
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 14, 2022
Tags CAD Standards, Layer Standards, CAD Management, NCS, NCS 6.0, layers, layer state, video, Jump Kit, LAYTRANS
The art of production and publication Civil 3D Standards is all about the construction and maintenance of managed, known, and current States. There is no singularity in Civil 3D Standards. After all, we are talking about sets of sets of variable properties that must work together at known and identifiable points…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jul 23, 2020
Tags Layer Standards, CAD Standards, Adaptive, Adoption, layer state, layer filter, video, NCS, standard keys
The Autodesk Civil 3D team made some major progress on the functionality of Pressure Pipes in Autodesk Civil 3D 2021. Lordy, Lordy! They finally introduced the concept and practice of the Runs into the Pressure Pipe interface and tools. Ok. If we use that now famous and comely term “Lordy”, some tongue in cheek is clearly understood. It is sort…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 12, 2020
Tags pressure pipe, pressure pipe network, Civil 3D 2021, layer state, Layer Standards, View, View Frame, video