The Framework for Civil 3D is a standard to build your standards from. The Framework is all about the Adaptive Systems Management of Civil 3D. Why is adaptive systems management important? Lacking a systems approach to CAD Standards in Civil 3D, we are confined to standards ruled only by the immediacy of preference.
Don’t get me wrong. Preference and choice…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jul 18, 2019
Tags CAD Standards, linetype, spreadsheet, customization, implementation, Civil 3D 2020, video, change management
Each time Autodesk releases a new release or Update of Civil 3D some smart folks decide to give the Framework for Civil 3D a whirl. I can’t say I blame them. When people update the software, they tend to want to improve things about their civil engineering and survey production environment. For good, practical reasons, almost no one initially wants to change everything all at once.…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 25, 2019
Tags linetype, Layer Standards, layer state, customization, implementation, project, CAD Standards, Civil 3D 2020, Release 8
In our pursuit of simple publication excellence for AutoCAD Civil 3D, we simply leave no stone unturned.
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The forthcoming Release 7 will deliver better linetypes collection resources for AutoCAD Civil 3D customers.
Our Release 6 customers will not be left holding the bag.
Thank you for your on-going support for the
If you employ any AutoCAD 2015+ product, you’re ability to view and import DGN is greatly improved. Both Autodesk and Bentley share large State DOT and Federal customers who’ve demanded that the conversion methods between the two CAD platforms work better behind the scenes. In front of the camera, we all potentially benefit.
You do know that you can create AutoCAD Civil…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Apr 01, 2016
Tags linetype, linestyle, textstyle, font, conversion, DGN, pdf, Civil 3D 2015, Civil 3D 2016, video
Heck. No.
Linetypes work. Hardly anyone needs to mess with linetypes anymore. They are available standard linetypes for almost everything in every CAD discipline. With some adjustment they even work across multiple drafting disciplines. What do you mean by linetype style anyway?Autodesk, please don’t change what works.
Heck. Yes.
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Nov 23, 2015