Yeah. You probably noticed I haven’t yakked much about the new AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015. That’s a little Abby Normal. However, you might note that Autodesk seems to do the same thing. There is some good stuff in 2015 worth more than this new release blah blah blah.
Yeah. Our Production Solutions for 2014 already run fine in 2015. No biggy.
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Upgrade, Open, Save and…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 05, 2014
Tags 2015, Civil 3D, survey, survey db, linework, fbk, bugs, Windows 7, Windows 8.1
There’s always just “one more thing” about Figure generation and the Survey Process Linework command to mention. These hidden details that are buried away in the AutoCAD Civil 3D help file are worth studying about and working through into our daily practice.
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They enhance our AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey workflows.
Hopefully, you didn’t miss the last post…