Perhaps you noticed? There is a big difference between our Civil 3D model construction drawings and our Civil 3D publication drawings. Are there are some other types and/or stages of Civil 3D drawings in between these two? Civil 3D drawings have states or phases. If we have phases in projects, then our critical path will probably include drawings that change type…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 01, 2024
Tags iPOD, drawing type, dynamic model, Project Management, project template, placeholder, QAQC
Intentionally, I employ the US Constitution’s analogy of the Separation of Powers to talk about how civil engineers and surveyors need to systematically manage to divide and conquer resources inside and outside Civil 3D. The perspective allows us to employ the software successfully in production.
The Principals of Separation are, as they say, self-evident. The practical…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 30, 2022
Tags implementation, Project Management, CAD Standards, naming convention, dynamic model, management
Data References (DREFs) in Autodesk Civil 3D are all about published Managed Models built inside our civil engineering and survey projects. These models effectively can help us achieve better Civil 3D production results with less hassle. We employ DREFs to share a model, or as I call it …the Civil 3D data behind, from a drawing to other drawings…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 12, 2020
Tags DREF, data shortcut, data reference, Project Management, dynamic model, naming convention, rules, structure
We use Autodesk Civil 3D. We are dependent on the software to get our project work done and to execute our production work and deliverables. Beyond those obvious ones, the number of formal data Dependencies inside Civil 3D and our civil engineering and survey projects appear to do nothing but increase. Dependencies are trending and tend to explode.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 25, 2020
Tags DREF, TREF, IREF, data reference, data shortcut, reference, Dynamiic Model, Project Management, video
I intentionally employ the metaphor of the US Constitutional principal of the Separation of Powers to talk about how civil engineers and surveyors need to systematically manage to divide and conquer resources and more inside and around Civil 3D. The Arts of Separation help us all to employ the software successfully in production.
The principals of separation are, as they…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 16, 2020
Tags implementation, Project Management, Style Management, names, Dynamiic Model, change management, XREF, DREF, TREF, CAD Standards