Maybe you noticed? There is a big difference between your Civil 3D model building drawings and your Civil 3D publication drawings. Are there are some other types and stages of Civil 3D drawings in between these two? Civil 3D Drawings have states or even phases. If we have phases in projects, then our critical path will probably include drawings that change type…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Sep 10, 2019
Tags iPOD, drawing type, dynamic model, DREF, TREF, IREF, dwf, Project Management, project template, placeholder, template, sheet template, sheet set template, QAQC
People wave their hands and talk about BIM, CIM, model-based software, and model-based design. What do these often used buzz words truly mean to civil engineers and surveyors?
Where does the rubber hit the road in our daily grind?
Maybe the answer is simple. Maybe not so much.Model-Based is Simple and Elegant
It sure appears to take a while for people to discover the unexpected…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 28, 2019
Tags BIM, CIM, CAD Standards, Project Management, process, iPOD, Dynamiic Model, change management, management, performance, suitable
Back in the day Autodesk liked to talk up the Dynamic Model. Remember that? The fact that Civil 3D Features (or objects) communicate with one another so we do not have to worry so much about whether or not the stuff you see and print in Civil 3D is actually updated.
If a Civil 3D user changes a design Alignment and Profile, the entire roadway Corridor model and the resultant…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 03, 2019
Tags Release 8, Civil 3D 2019, Dynamiic Model, Multiple Dynamic Baselines, video, Project Management, project template
Each new project we start in Civil 3D is an opportunity that we either capitalize on or we waste the chance to make the new project better. In my experience a lot of really awesome and skilled Civil 3D folks punt like the German World Cup team. It’s way too easy to be champions who go home early.
We All Do This
We use Civil 3D for a while. We undoubtedly now have a standard…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 28, 2018
Tags project template, project, Project Management, dynamic model, implementation, CAD Standards
As fate would have it, last month I somehow got started on a series update on AutoCAD Civil 3D fundamentals and essentials. I trust you noticed. These days we have lot of new Framework for Civil 3D customers. People do ask those most important and sometimes uncomfortable questions. It seemed apparent I needed to rewrite, update, and clarify the whole series of posts on the significant…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 23, 2018
Tags project, Project Management, dynamic model, implementation, CAD Standards