I intentionally employ the metaphor of the US Constitutional principal of the Separation of Powers to talk about how civil engineers and surveyors need to systematically manage to divide and conquer resources and more inside and around Civil 3D. The Arts of Separation help us all to employ the software successfully in production.
The principals of separation are, as they…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 16, 2020
Tags implementation, Project Management, Style Management, names, Dynamiic Model, change management, XREF, DREF, TREF, CAD Standards
Should we wrap up the calendar year 2019 and unwrap a collection of the 10 best Civil 3D production tips? Why not. Everyone loves a top ten list. I used the production word here not the productivity one even though both definitely do apply in this context.
This post has a decided Civil 3D management and implementation bias over the classic Civil 3D user…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 30, 2019
Tags BIM 360, ArcInfo, Connector, dwf, TREF, Batch Save, corridor, names, data reference, project template, Project Management, project, Civil 3D 2020
There are a formal sets of dualities built into AutoCAD Civil 3D. Whether we perceive or employ these model-based software pairings for our benefit is another matter altogether. Every Civil 3D user struggles with these dualities to one degree or another. Frankly, it’s even a bit difficult to talk about them in Civil 3D without being a bit confusing. You can end up sounding like…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 11, 2018
Tags implementation, training, bucket, Name Template, dynamic model, names, Style Management
Every once in a while a new Framework for Civil 3D customer calls and asks why we put the “- JS” at the end of all the Framework Style names. This simple suffix device serves a very significant purpose and help to answer the first most important question about using and customizing AutoCAD Civil 3D…
“How do you know the difference…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 09, 2018
Tags implementation, training, bucket, Name Template, dynamic model, names, Style Management, Style
The Framework for Civil 3D naming conventions for Assemblies and Assembly Sets help Civil 3D users make sense of their common civil engineering design Assembly solutions in their daily production work.
We’ve supplied AASHTO compliant roadway assemblies for many releases of AutoCAD Civil 3D all the way back to the 2008 release. These days we supply assemblies for most of…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 12, 2017
Tags Assembly, intersection, Subassembly, Assembly Set, customization, naming conventions, names