The Autodesk Civil 3D Alignment Feature alters, and continues to alter, how civil engineers and survey professionals and their organizations employ Civil 3D in production. Autodesk invests heavily in the technology surrounding the many Alignment-based tools in Civil 3D. The many capabilities and properties of the Alignment make the Alignment the core Feature in…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 15, 2024
Tags alignment, alignment type, naming conventions, Name Template, offset alignment, connected alignment
Intentionally, I employ the US Constitution’s analogy of the Separation of Powers to talk about how civil engineers and surveyors need to systematically manage to divide and conquer resources inside and outside Civil 3D. The perspective allows us to employ the software successfully in production.
The Principals of Separation are, as they say, self-evident. The practical…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 30, 2022
Tags implementation, Project Management, CAD Standards, naming convention, dynamic model, management
Does it help us to explore the end of things to discover a path to a better beginning?
Questions like this are worth consideration in the circular and iterative process world of Autodesk Civil 3D.
In this Book of Alignments series of posts, we talk about the Alignment as a Design Control Manager in Autodesk Civil 3D. There are at least a dozen management…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jul 06, 2021
Tags alignment, naming conventions, Name Template, View Frame Group, ViewFrame, plan production tool, DREF, group labels
Data References (DREFs) in Autodesk Civil 3D are all about published Managed Models built inside our civil engineering and survey projects. These models effectively can help us achieve better Civil 3D production results with less hassle. We employ DREFs to share a model, or as I call it …the Civil 3D data behind, from a drawing to other drawings…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 12, 2020
Tags DREF, data shortcut, data reference, Project Management, dynamic model, naming convention, rules, structure
Civil 3D bloggers often tend to focus on Civil 3D tactics rather than strategies. Civil 3D is a big and complex beast, so that is understandable. Here I try to strike a balance of the obligatory tactical detail and the loftier strategy issues that CAD Managers, advanced Civil 3D users, and customizers of Civil 3D must cope with. Like all the rest of you in Civil 3D Land, I continue to fail forward.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 07, 2018
Tags project, Project Management, NCS, alignment, collector, project template, naming convention