Is is time to up the game for Civil Engineering firms and agencies employing AutoCAD based products in releases 2010 through 2012? I think so. I believe that a lot of people trying to get work out the door these days could use some More of the simple but essential things we all need - "The Good Stuff".
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 16, 2011
Tags block, symbol, Blocks Only, NCS, ncs 4.0, customization
We had a customer from an eastern state who was from a rather large civil engineering firm with offices all over the place. They tried out the Free Jump in one office and they liked it. As the office CAD Manager candidly put it, "yours (The Jump) beat the heck out of what we've produced internally".
They took the road to the higher standard and rolled out InstantOn Basic 4.Fast… Read more
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 07, 2011
Tags Layer Standards, NCS, ncs 4.0, standards, standard keys