The goal to significantly reduce those considerable man-hours we invest in the common Civil 3D civil engineering grading problems and tasks is certainly is worthy of pursuit. It is what we do. The work pays or it doesn’t. The boss knows that and demands the work had better pay.
Autodesk is working hard at the faster, better, grading challenges on a number of simultaneous…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 30, 2020
Tags grading, feature line, surface, wish, Civil 3D 2021, corridor, segment, node, video
At times I joke a bit about the Feature Lines Only design crowd in Civil 3D. I do this to contrast classic and manual Feature Line construction and manipulation methods with the advantages of managed Corridor Design methodologies that can produce multiple and controlled Feature Lines on demand. This is not a binary choice. Obviously, civil engineering folks need…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 16, 2020
Tags Civil 3D, segment, node, point, surface, alignment, optimization, optionality, profile, corridor, parcel, parcel segment, feature line