The Framework for Civil 3D supports Adaptive Layer Standards in many releases of Civil 3D. That means you can produce project work in one official and compliant Layer Standard - maybe the NCS 6.0 and still produce deliverables in perhaps another Layer Standard like the NCS 6.0 AIA standard.
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Sounds crazy… We know.
It’s all about the hidden potential…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 16, 2019
Tags Release 8, Civil 3D 2020, Civil 3D 2019, Civil 3D 2018, Layer Standards, NCS 6.0, STB, CTB, CAD Standards, Adaptive, plotstyle
Long before April Fool’s Day, I saw a classic misinformation post about AutoCAD Civil 3D and named Plot Styles. The stated implication of the post was that Civil 3D object Styles had issues with STB based publishing. Therefore, you as a Civil 3D user should avoid STB and stick with the old CTB technology born back in the dark ages of CAD and pen plotters. All I can say is,
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What about the Color standards that we employ in our Production Solution products? As usual the question has more to do with publishing than color per se. Old school CAD CTB thinking tends to stick in our heads. CTB think tends to force color into a state of permanency. STB on the other hand liberates how we may employ color in our workflows.Read more
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 02, 2014
Tags color, layer color, plotstyle, CTB, STB, CAD Standards