I enjoy finding examples and folks who creatively learn to employ the Power of Not to production work in Autodesk Civil 3D. Huh? What the hay does the Power of Not mean? I trust that you do understand the difference between the Boolean logic of AND and OR in expressions. Eheh.
NOT is the third chord (the…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 25, 2021
Tags Data Shortcut Manager, Data Behind, not keys, Project Management, points, Point Label Style, site design, corridors, grading
Do we ask the right questions about Civil 3D and how we use it?
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By definition…Probably not. We human beings tend to not ask questions about what we believe we already know how to do. We rely too much on habit. We could call this the human autopilot. The autopilot works 95%+ of the time. Our brains spend a good deal of invisible time behind the scenes working on those building those structures…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 18, 2021
Tags customization, implementation, alignment, points, surface, corridor, grading, Jump Kit, Templates Only, project template, Style Management
Autodesk purchased the ProjectExplorer for Civil 3D product back in mid-April. I said at that time this would/could be one of the best things Autodesk has done for Civil 3D in quite a while. The product went up somewhere into orbit and it just splashed down.
The new Autodesk Project Explorer for Civil 3D extension hit the street for AEC Collection…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 20, 2020
Tags Civil 3D 2021, Civil 3D 2020, Project Explorer, PE, Corridors, Assembly, Subassembly, alignment, feature line, point group, sample lines, profile, video
At times I joke a bit about the Feature Lines Only design crowd in Civil 3D. I do this to contrast classic and manual Feature Line construction and manipulation methods with the advantages of managed Corridor Design methodologies that can produce multiple and controlled Feature Lines on demand. This is not a binary choice. Obviously, civil engineering folks need…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 16, 2020
Tags Civil 3D, segment, node, point, surface, alignment, optimization, optionality, profile, corridor, parcel, parcel segment, feature line
All of us in Civil 3D Land know learning to come to grips with Civil 3D is easier said than done. Autodesk Civil 3D is a big complex piece of software. We must learn to manage and direct the Civil 3D Diva to deliver acceptable performances. We are talking about integrated software tools that must cope with the many and varied details of complex…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 26, 2020
Tags grips, Civil 3D 2021, Civil 3D 2020, Civil 3D 2019, alignment, feature line, profile, surface, video, corridor, point, parcel segment