Last time we explored some basic iPOD (Intelligent Publish on Demand) workflow mechanics to help us deal with the annotation of Corridor models. We previewed that in a video to show the Civil 3D mechanics of how we can create Corridor Station…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Oct 19, 2018
Tags corridor, annotation, label, DREF, Civil 3D 2019, point group, Toolbox Reports, spreadsheet, alignment, video, iPOD
These days Civil 3D will actually let us reach deeper and directly into the current state of the Corridor Model data behind. The reality that we can Data Shortcut Corridor Models in our projects enhances our Civil 3D potential annotative capabilities significantly. How that might be accomplished could take a bit to get our head around.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Oct 17, 2018
Tags corridor, annotation, label, DREF, Civil 3D 2019, point group, Toolbox Reports, spreadsheet, alignment, video, iPOD
We shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel to employ Civil 3D point data successfully. After more than ten releases of Civil 3D that would be dumb. The Pareto Principal, that famous 80 20 Rule, applies to our civil engineering and survey data. I argue, and most civil and survey folk would agree, that 20% of what we gather and create drives a large part of our project…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Oct 04, 2018
Tags point, survey point, Description Key, figure prefix db, not keys, wildcard, CAD Standards, Survey Query, video
We all know about bad assumptions. You believe something is totally obvious. You proceed to talk about a subject that way. People in the crowd nod their heads in affirmation. Meanwhile that same audience is actually completely baffled. This is a pretty common symptom of ED - Expert’s Disease. Oops, that didn’t come out exactly as I intended. You do get what I mean.
I had…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Oct 02, 2018
Tags Survey Codes, survey, figure prefix db, Description Key Set, survey db, point, survey point, video
Maybe you noticed that Autodesk puts some effort into improving Corridor design publication performance in the latest Civil 3D 2019.1 Update. The new enhancement capability to share Sample Line Groups as Data Shortcuts in projects comes to mind.
We can probably also agree that Civil 3D plan annotation of corridor models still needs serious work. Then again, sometimes we…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 23, 2018
Tags corridors, point group, Toolbox Reports, spreadsheet, alignment, offset alignment, video, iPOD