People wave their hands and talk about BIM, CIM, model-based software, and model-based design. What do these often used buzz words truly mean to civil engineers and surveyors?
Where does the rubber hit the road in our daily grind?
Maybe the answer is simple. Maybe not so much.Model-Based is Simple and Elegant
It sure appears to take a while for people to discover the unexpected…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 28, 2019
Tags BIM, CIM, CAD Standards, Project Management, process, iPOD, Dynamiic Model, change management, management, performance, suitable
We all get to play phone tag. It happens to me. It happens to you. You know you REALLY need to talk to person A. They know they NEED to talk to you, but the OTHER stuff gets in the way. We finally talk.
Build Me a Standard
I do a bit of AutoCAD Civil 3D Standards consulting for City and County (or Township) government agencies. Well, Da! I've been doing this kind of work for a long…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 24, 2011
Tags management, standards, CAD Standards, Project Management, structure, process