Earlier this month Autodesk released AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Productivity Pack 3 to Autodesk subscription customers. I put up a News post but folks sometimes miss those things. Productivity Packs can be like that. You don't need the information about the tool now and regret it later. I do. Speaking of missing things - Did you see…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Jun 21, 2016
Does the color of anything in AutoCAD Civil 3D matter? You bet. Color is fascinating if you’re a neuroscience geek like me. Color affects all of us. If you’re personally stuck in the old .CTB mindset to produce work. You must be fixated on it. I could prove that CTB color obsession occupies an inordinate part of your CAD workday. You wouldn’t believe me. STB gives us a lot more liberty to employ…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Apr 12, 2016
Tags CAD Standards, color, rules, Layer Standards, Layer Manager, layer state, productivity
Early this month Autodesk and Keynetix, Ltd released the latest update to the Geotechnical module for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016. One supposes this is a preparatory release for the upcoming AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 release. That says - Geotechnical in Civil 3D will stay around. That’s a good thing.
Sometimes it’s hard to pay attention and not miss to all the other…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Apr 07, 2016
Tags geotechnical, Civil 3D 2016, Productivity Pack, productivity, surface, feature line, boundary
Autodesk’s own documentation for Civil 3D says civil engineers and survey professionals can customize their AutoCAD Civil 3D software to meet their needs. Hundreds of pages of on-line documentation tell you how to do this. Raise your hand if you’ve read them all. Anyone else?
Do a double take. That actually means all AutoCAD Civil 3D users must customize AutoCAD Civil 3D…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 15, 2016
Tags template, Style, productivity, Civil 3D
Did you know that Autodesk commissioned an independent, in-depth AutoCAD Civil 3D productivity study last year? The study compares in detail AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 to AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010. Autodesk obviously did the study for sales reasons – demonstrate reason to upgrade. That does not make the study useless. The study is pretty in-depth and detailed. The study produced interesting…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 08, 2016
Tags productivity, Civil 3D 2016, Jump Kit