There is a synergistic trinity of powertools available in the latest Release 7 update for Civil 3D 2019.1. We should consider that Civil 3D Project Templates, Reference Templates, and Project Placeholders are a powerful and productive triad. If we use them together, we get more project productivity than the sum of the parts. To…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Oct 11, 2018
Tags Project Management, DREF, video, project template, project, CAD Standards, data shortcuts, Reference Template, Civil 3D 2019
The best companies that employ Civil 3D plan and manage their projects for creation, maintenance, and deliverables success. It is easy to mouth these conceptual platitudes. Are they AU bumper stickers? The work reminds me of Labor Day. We must acknowledge that the continuous development discipline and work is hard to do. The fixes are emotionally hard to keep doing. This is why the results of that…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 30, 2018
Tags Project Management, DREF, implementation, video, project template, project, CAD Standards, data shortcuts, Reference Template
I probably go on and on too much about Intelligent Publish on Demand (iPOD) in Civil 3D. There is reason to my madness. I want to save every Civil 3D user tons of time. The people that care to pay attention say I do. Thanks for the feedback folks.
In the real world planned and systematic methods produce more consistent deliverables and better iterative civil design. The…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 09, 2018
Tags project template, Toolbox Reports, Project Management, video, data shortcuts, project reports
Civil 3D bloggers often tend to focus on Civil 3D tactics rather than strategies. Civil 3D is a big and complex beast, so that is understandable. Here I try to strike a balance of the obligatory tactical detail and the loftier strategy issues that CAD Managers, advanced Civil 3D users, and customizers of Civil 3D must cope with. Like all the rest of you in Civil 3D Land, I continue to fail forward.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 07, 2018
Tags project, Project Management, NCS, alignment, collector, project template, naming convention
For reasons that remain even a mystery even to me, this month has been a collection of large-scale project questions and answers. Everyone who called seemed to have a larger and more complex project in the works. They were all head down in the practical details of large SurveyDb projects or big lidar point cloud data sets coupled in their projects with lots of connected models delivered in various…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jul 26, 2018
Tags Infraworks, Civil 3D 2019, Update, Revit, coordinate system, Project Management, video, project, ArcGIS