The new advertised AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 features are not particularly focused on Civil 3D Survey improvement. Maybe that’s a good thing. If you already learned the benefits and tools of Survey inside Civil 3D, there is nothing serious to work up a sweat over. Right?
Where oh where did my COGO Editor go?
Some of our love-to-hate familiar Survey tools have moved around in the interface.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
May 09, 2017
Tags Survey, survey db, survey figure, COGO Editor, Traverse, query, video
We released an upgraded Legends and Lists AddOn for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017-2015 last week. The recently released version includes new AutoCAD tablestyles, the basic Legend templates, and the bevy of Civil 3D Style tools you need. If you are a Release 7 Framework for Civil 3D customer,…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 16, 2017
Tags legend, list, table, tablestyle, point, video, survey db, query
AutoCAD Civil 3D started out to establish a new civil engineering design paradigm. Get the model and the data right. For practical purposes that right means - suitable. From that suitable model we may automatically publish what we need to deliver in many forms.
This is the first installment in a multi-post review of key Civil 3D Tools. A primer on the mission critical capabilities and tools…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 07, 2017
Tags survey db, survey, surface, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2017, query, video
Certainly our Civil 3D civil engineering and survey projects share a common survey and design language: Keys (Point Keys), Codes (Figure Prefix Names), and therefore typical Survey Query logic.
The Civil 3D Survey Upside Down
We covered some of those Stranger Things last time in Civil 3D Survey Query Essentials post…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 15, 2016
Tags survey, query, names, naming conventions, implementation
Not so long ago I did a post and video called Civil 3D Survey Got Better. That included a brief section that employed the concept and use of a standard Survey Queries to optimize survey production tasks in Civil 3D. The goal there was to construct a quick and dynamic surface from nascent and unedited figures.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 13, 2016
Tags survey db, figure, survey point, video, query