No release of AutoCAD Civil 3D would be complete without some new Surface creation and edit updates. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 is no exception. Surfaces in 2013 deserve a Civil 3D blog post or two of their own. We can be both more indirect or direct about our “data” references in Surface Features. Huh?
Queries About Survey and… Read more
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Apr 03, 2012
Tags 2013, Civil 3D, surface, corridor surface, data reference, data shortcut, survey, survey db
In the Jump Platform's InstantOn products, we intentionally try and keep the use of Expressions in the Styles as small as practically possible. This has to do with a practical Civil 3D Style Maintenance problem NOT the potential usefulness of Expressions in More complex Label Styles.
After all, most of our InstantOn…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jul 28, 2011
Tags expressions, Label Style, Style Management, Style Import, customization, reference
Is this part of your day in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012?
"In AutoCAD 2012 versions, mouse cursor freezes during pan or zoom command or when other commands are invoked. Also, general performance slowdown may be experienced. This typically happens if multiple External References (XREF) are attached to the drawing."
Autodesk released a Performance Slowdown Hotfix…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Jul 15, 2011
I make my living helping real people adopt and make AutoCAD Civil 3D work. Don't get the title of this post wrong. I do think Civil 3D needs to get easier to learn and use. I bitch about that a LOT to Autodesk and try to make many positive and constructive suggestions.
You should bitch too.
Here's the link to the Bitch 3D Wish List.Read more
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jun 14, 2011
Tags surface, grading, bugs, label, annotation, XREF, data reference, data shortcut
Pages of Sections in AutoCAD Civil 3D employ many Styles and have many properties. All that complexity makes getting exactly what you want somewhat of a challenge.
This is just one Page of Sections. Obviously a long alignment and its large Corridor with many Sections makes for potentially many pages. That produces large drawings where changes and modifications to the Section details can…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 14, 2011
Tags section, pages of sections, alignment, publiish, data reference, DREF, dynamic model