Data References (DREFs) in Autodesk Civil 3D are all about published Managed Models built inside our civil engineering and survey projects. These models effectively can help us achieve better Civil 3D production results with less hassle. We employ DREFs to share a model, or as I call it …the Civil 3D data behind, from a drawing to other drawings…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 12, 2020
Tags DREF, data shortcut, data reference, Project Management, dynamic model, naming convention, rules, structure
Does the color of anything in AutoCAD Civil 3D matter? You bet. Color is fascinating if you’re a neuroscience geek like me. Color affects all of us. If you’re personally stuck in the old .CTB mindset to produce work. You must be fixated on it. I could prove that CTB color obsession occupies an inordinate part of your CAD workday. You wouldn’t believe me. STB gives us a lot more liberty to employ…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Apr 12, 2016
Tags CAD Standards, color, rules, Layer Standards, Layer Manager, layer state, productivity