The Autodesk 2020.1 Updates are now in full swing. The AutoCAD 2020.1 Update was released on the opening day of Autodesk’s 3rd fiscal quarter. We Autodesk end-users sometimes tend to forget that Autodesk is a publicly traded company. The perceptions of shareholders and stock analysts matter. Public Autodesk events happen due to the rules of that game and the vagaries…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 06, 2019
Tags AutoCAD 2020, Update, block, multileader, video, CAD Standards, management, table, tablestyle, project template
Autodesk does not make it apparent in AutoCAD Civil 3D that you can table notes, lists, etc. tied to markers of any sort you choose. As we saw before in Not So Simple Tables in Civil 3D all this moved out of the Autodesk vertical applications and into AutoCAD long ago. Many folk are left a bit befuddled particularly…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 21, 2017
Tags table, tablestyle, list, details, annotation, legend, AddOn, video
We released an upgraded Legends and Lists AddOn for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017-2015 last week. The recently released version includes new AutoCAD tablestyles, the basic Legend templates, and the bevy of Civil 3D Style tools you need. If you are a Release 7 Framework for Civil 3D customer,…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 16, 2017
Tags legend, list, table, tablestyle, point, video, survey db, query
AutoCAD supports the core Microsoft (Excel) table object directly these days. Odds are you already know this. It has actually been true for a number of releases. I don’t mean the old Windows OLE technology. To be specific - if you directly copy and paste a selected range of cells from Excel into AutoCAD, you will get an OLE object result. The same OLE result happens if you paste out of Word and…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Mar 14, 2017
Tags tablestyle, table, list, excel, video, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Map 3D
We’ve all been annoyed for a long time that AutoCAD Civil 3D doesn’t have a built in Symbol Legend or Abbreviation List generator tool. That was a tool that all old CAD drafting software just had to have. Look all you want through all the many Ribbon menus of Civil 3D and this “simple” tool is nowhere to be found. Arrrrgh!
My bet is you make your current Civil 3D Legends, Lists, and the…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Nov 06, 2013
Tags AddOn, InstantOn, tablestyle, points, Description Key Set, legend