Each new release of the Jump Platform allows us a chance to improve the details of the Styles and Label Styles included so you don't have to work so hard to get what you need out of AutoCAD Civil 3D in a real world production environment.
With thousands and thousands of Styles and Label Styles available in the Jump Kit product for instant drag and drops into your projects that's some serious capability.
AutoCAD Civil 3D's powerful Code Set Styles are one great example.
What does a Code Set Style do in AutoCAD Civil 3D?
A lot! You can think of Code Set Styles are sort of like a Layer Manager for Corridors and their output results.
The Civil 3D interface uses named Styles instead of named Layers, but the idea of what's going on is essentially the same. Collect a unique look and feel and give it a name you can remember.
For some folks it helps to think of a specific named Code Set Style like a old school AutoCAD Layer State. It's something you restore to get at what you need to see and display right now.
There are FOUR common things a Code Set Style controls:
1) What an Assembly/Subassembly looks like while you construct and/or document a cross section
You probably want to see certain labels of key geometry like Offsets and the Slope of Top Links so you can make the best Subassembly choices to solve your current design problem.
We supply a typical all inclusive Code Set Style called +NOPLOT with Labels. It includes references to every stock Civil 3D subassembly so you always get a reasonable and meaningful picture and key Labels and graphics.
2) The display and annotation of all the Assembly parts in published Section Views
Sample Line Groups and the output Section Views use a Code Set Style to annotate and display the parts of the Assembly in detail.
We don't all have to publish Pages of Sections every day, but when you do its important to have a labeling strategy or you have too much manual tweaking to do. Time is money.
The Jump Kit 2012 and 2013 include sophisticated Expression driven labels with "adjustter" expressions to help you do this easily. In other words, based on the width and complexity of the cross sections our Assembly labels can be adjusted en mass to display more information more effectively.
This Jump Platform built-in ByDesign methodology saves you lots of time AND gets you more informative and useful cross sections without undue USER effort.
Want a huge assortment of Section View styles themselves?
Hundreds are included in Jump Kit.
3) What the Assembly looks like in the Section Editor
You should employ a standardized set of Command Settings in your production templates to make a consistent and useful Section Editor View.
Maybe you even want a couple of different Code Set Style for the Section Editor since the cross section editing problems we face differ between a pipeline and a roadway project.
A roadway overlay (repavement) project has another whole set of design and publication issues too.
Even our InstantOn Basic products include the Code Sets to handle that right out of the box.
4) The output display of the Corridor model in Plan (and maybe even for Rendering)
The current Corridor Code Set property is different from the Style of the Corridor itself.
The Corridor Style is about visualizing the Design Control and Regions of the Corridor Model during design.
A "Plan" screening of hiding Code Set Style can hide surfaces and do cool stuff like create a screened arranged output of pavement , concrete, a other areas for Plan and Profile sheets for example.
Examples of that are the first couple of pictures in this post.
Powerful Publish on Demand Flexibility
Typical State Department of Transportation Alignment and Profile stationing Styles in a large array of configurations are also included in Jump Kit. Each and every one has been built and QA'd to allow you to publish on demand to almost any standard you can find or conceive of.
You also might want to note the use of Jump Platform annotative Alignment Label Styles at work in the above Plan pictures too. These cool Jump Kit styles get you View aware labels and block graphics for use on BOTH Alignment and Profile Features.
Stuff like Centerline Marks, ROW, and classic NCS utility line annotation become almost a no brainer.
Yeah. You even get the standardized documented classic National CAD Standard 4.0+ linetypes too.