Welcome. Today is the first day of a completely new cadpilot.com. You should discover this is more than a new pretty new face. She has a new heart, skeleton, and different meat on d'em bones.
She's state-of-the-art diva
We trust you'll find the site more Responsive and adaptive on more devices beyond your desktop computer or laptop. If you find something quirky (and you probably will), please let us know. She's still a work in progress as such endeavors always are.
Here you should be able to search and find answers to the many issues and questions that are evoked by Autodesk's AutoCAD Civil 3D. There are about 500 in-depth blog posts here; hundreds of hours of free training videos, lots of FAQs, and literally thousands of Civil 3D Style and Set tools.
We reorganized things a bit but not so much as to make getting back to where you were impossible or too confusing.
We are certainly working on fixing the links and missing pictures in the numerous blog posts.
Of course, you can make Civil 3D significantly easier on your and those around you by purchasing the Production Solution products here too. Our Production Solution for AutoCAD Civil 3D is the most complete, most consistent, standardized Civil 3d template and styles solution available anywhere at any price.
Affordable Not Feeble
This was not the work of a Genii in the Lamp but LAMP was involved.