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This weekend the staff from my old Autodesk Reseller company got together for a company reunion. What? Sure. Some groups of work friends get together a couple of times a year, but a few decided to put together a bigger deal. The event’s not quite annual, but almost. But on Father’s Day weekend?

Is that Appropriate?

They said, “You betcha.”

Please recognize. I didn’t and don’t have anything to do with these reunion events. They insist my wife and I are invited guests. It’s a privilege. This time they told me at the last minute. My wife was under the weather. This time she could not attend.

Surprise. Wow. What a blessing to have a large group of people who worked for you 7 or more years ago get together to say thanks and certainly each other for changing their lives. Everyone moved on in the work world years ago. Some folks came from hundreds of miles away just for a family picnic.
On Father’s Day weekend?

It was fun to catch up. It was great to talk with kids of staff who were once babes in arms or are off the college in the fall. I got to meet some new babies too. It should never be weird to know the children of the people who work for you and with you. It’s truly sad, if you don’t.

It’s truly a bit strange and somewhat difficult to have person after person tell you working for a company changed their life forever in a good way. That’s overwhelming. That’s a blessing from God. Some people might think…

That’s Not Normal


I believe that’s the way life and work should be. People need that. Genuine personal productivity erupts from that environment. They know. They lived it. I know it too.
Oh. It’s a hard thing to do.
It’s personal.

It’s improbable, but it is not impossible.
We remember it.
We can smile with the company mantra,

People do think differently.
I must learn to act differently.

That’s something I remember on Father’s Day.