Over the not-so-long Labor Day weekend we made updates and additions to cadpilot.com.
We added improved support for the new Microsoft Edge browser. We fully test the site in Chrome, Firefox, IE and now Edge. If you have issues, please let us know. We try to be responsive in more ways than one.
Updated the video player plugin we employ which is mediaelement.js. Great jQuery stuff. Hey. Our free AutoCAD Civil 3D training videos even play in the Windows 10 Movie and TV app, all IOS and Android phones, and in all reasonably current versions of all popular browsers. You should now be able to hop around better from place to place in all the videos too.
If you have video replay issues anywhere, please do let us know.
With 100,000+ new words a year added to our blog and website and many years of prior year’s posts, I am really happy with the modx CMS that we now employ. God knows I’ve employed more the a few CMS platforms and paid a pretty penny for the privilege too. No contest. Modx truly is…
The Liberty to Publish on the Web
Lately, we did rearrange and update pages to be more properly Responsive on more mobile devices too. For what it’s worth google now rates our pages as mobile Awesome.
Most of you who might care can guess we employ the Bootstrap framework and now in the latest version. We’ve actually built the site in a couple of other frameworks. Did I say modx is flexible by design. We still come back to Bootstrap. I see no reason to mess with what works for the moment anyway. Hey. Bootstrap 4.0 is coming.
Ok. You’re right. We probably need a couple of sexy landing pages and an iconic upgrade.
Real soon now.
Me. I’m still laughing at where the Bootstrap name came from. No. Not the popular myth answer. But I know you have to be a Big Data Dude or Dudette to get it. See the nerd smile.
Substance over Flash
We continue to tweak the in-site Search to improve your results to find things specific to all things AutoCAD Civil 3D. If you’ve logged in as a Member, your search results will be deeper and richer. Membership here is free and we don’t spam you either.
If you’ve been paying even a little attention over the long hot summer of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 there are serious upgrades happening in our Members section on a regular basis. Our Release 6 matters. There’s much better organized Documentation and Help for all things Civil 3D in there. Register and win free AutoCAD Civil 3D training.
Customers do rave about it. A heartfelt thanks to those of you that do and say so.
I’ve had calls for a return of a regular newsletter, Hmmm? Still pondering that one. Presently, there are more than one RSS feed on the site which do the same thing without filling your email inbox with stuff you might read. You can follow me on Twitter and get regular updates that way.
Most folk who visit the site stay and study for a long time in internet terms. Civil 3D is probably like that. I know this site is not for the faint of heart. Civil 3d users aren’t that way anyway by in large.
I tend to talk about the AutoCAD Civil 3D things that others don’t or won’t in all the grisly details.
God knows there are a lot of details.
Is a 20 minute training video eye candy? Nope. Real skill and real world productivity must be worked at.
In the end I find that there’s…
Still Lots to Do
Sound familiar?