Happy Thanksgiving! In the spirit of this important holiday we lowered on pricing on addition seats of InstantOn Basic, InstantOn Survey, and even for our most popular product Jump Kit for AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Remember - we already automatically supply 5 seats of the best AutoCAD Civil 3D template and AutoCAD Civil 3D Styles library on the planet for a song. We support the Civil 3D release you use and guarantee your Production Solution product will upgrade to the next release you use.
Merry Christmas!
It is the time of year to be thankful and especially to remember the reason for the season.
Between now and the end of the year our already fabulous pricing for additional seats is more affordable.
Our special Christmas pricing applies to folks who want to upgrade to our Release 6 and even our older Release 5 products.
Wrap It Up
If you now employ an older release of an InstantOn product, everyone can afford to upgrade today to the richer resources and productivity gifts of Jump Kit.
Jump Kit is the present that keeps on giving you back more man-hours on all your civil engineering and survey projects all year long.