There are a couple of basic videos that are now public on the Traverse Editor and Traverse Adjustment tools in Productivity Pack 3 for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016. In a previous post on the new PP3, I mentioned this. Got to keep promises. These videos are also included on our Civil Training on the Web pages.
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Thanks to the good folks at FDOT (State of Florida Dept of Transportation) CADD support, Florida taxpayers, and Autodesk for making the Civil 3D training videos available to all.
2016 Productivity Pack 3 Traverse Editor
Wes Newman from Autodesk covers the basics of the PP3 Toolbox Traverse Editor and Traverse Adjustment tools
2016 Productivity Pack 3 Traverse Adjustment
Traverse Tool Notes
The new Traverse Editor tool replaces the existing COGO Editor in the Survey Ribbon but must be started from the Toolbox. Ribbon replacement is not performed by the PP3 install.
This older post contains significant reminders about the Civil 3D interface for this type of tool which actually builds data outside of Civil 3D. Autodesk references to the word canvas in a tool are always a clue. A quick read may save you more than a few headaches. Remember to start an external file.
Feed Your Brain
Hint: the entire playlist of videos can be viewed by clicking the list icon in the control.
The videos are part of an 11 video YouTube playlist available here. This Autodesk General playlist from the recent FDOT 2016 Design Expo contains other Civil 3D video training content you will also find useful. Most of these were done by Jeff Bartels of Autodesk. The videos are fast and substantive.
- 1 video on new Workflows
- 3 videos on Civil 3D Tips and Tricks
- 1 video on Civil 3D template construction
- 1 video on Civil 3D Style construction
- 2 video of 3 on Productivity Pack 3
- 1 video on Civil 3D Property Definitions
- 2 videos on Traverse Editor and Adjustment tools
If you watch one video a day for a couple of work weeks, you will learn more than a few things about AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Speaking of Civil 3D Templates and Civil 3D Styles, why be silly and start from Autodesk’s supplied example templates? You can do way better than that. Try Templates Only and discover