We’ve been banging away behind the scenes preparing for a site move for number of months. Last night we took the fearful leap to a new web host. Oh Happy Day! Some folks say the best thing about a website host move is that no one notices any changes at all except better website performance.
Welcome to the New Cadpilot.com
Since you’re here today you’ve probably noticed we didn’t change much of anything on the front end. Whew! No major site interface changes that make it hard to find the AutoCAD Civil 3D videos and help you may depend on.
Any host move may become a train wreck in slow motion due to the way site changes happen on the Internet. Thankfully, we appear to be over that hump. “What hump?”
We Go More Secure
We will convert over to the https protocol and support end to end encryption on all connections here. That conversion will make your web connection with us a bit more secure and faster yet. Your choice of browser should whine less too.
Not to worry. Your site bookmarks will still work, but you might want to update your favorites after the conversion.
We are in the late-stage testing and QAQC. We plan to go https live before end of day. Hooray!
The SSL conversion may indeed happen before you read this.
In the Meantime
The Register page is also active and the page will now automatically send email authorization links.
If you do not receive and automatical email, please send an email to sales@cadpilot.com.
We’ll do our best to hook you up ASAP.
If you find broken page or links, please let us know.
I Don’t Resist
Please forgive the blog post title reference to Bob Seger’s mid-70’s hit Night Moves .