Someone recently complained to me that their current budget didn’t allow for the training of new employees and staff training for latest AutoCAD Civil 3D release upgrades. Trust me, even if you do have the budget, it is never enough. Skilled, professional Civil 3D folk are hard to find. All the trends say that this human resource problem will only get worse. When skilled people are hard to find and money to tight, we can take proactive steps to solve the problem.
This the Good News
Failure to launch is not about resources. Skills, by definition, are learned, practiced, or acquired. Skills don’t grow on trees. They can be transferred from person to person. I mean sincerely that this all too common challenge is actually an organizational cultural problem.
That transformation of perspective changes everything.
The Cost of Opportunity
Everyone has five minutes a day to learn something.
Everyone has another 10-15 minutes a week to communicate what they learned to someone else.
Any manager worth their paycheck can get and encourage staff to get that done consistently.
This is way easier than balancing a budget, raising kids, or raising the dead.
I can personally testify I’ve seen the miracle happen on way more than one occasion.
It changes workplaces from a Level of Hell into a hell’va place to work.
March Training and Help Updates
Released the Layers Standards Update AddOn
Free Layer Standards Tools Updates that allow faster and more in-depth customization details of the Layer Standards for both STB and CTB.
Brief Details:
- Both STB and CTB Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools included
- Full support for both small and large project NCS Layer naming conventions. (e.g. C- or CG discipline code systems)
- Full interoperability or exchange of templates and drawings for both STB and CTB versions of the Spreadsheet Tools results is maintained.
- Full support for Status or Phase modifiers
- Support for single tilde characters in Key names
- Employment and complete customization of the first 9 simple AutoCAD colors or of all ACI colors if required
- Ability to convert from AutoCAD ACI color scheme to an RGB color schemes for STB
Released the NCS Classic Utility Layers AddOn
A free download Layer Standards Tool that converts templates and/or drawings to employ classic project-based AIA utility layer names.
- The latest versions of this AddOn support the capabilities included in the Layer Standards Update AddOn above.
Open Downloads>>Standard Keys
- Updates to the NCS 6.0 Keys PDF download for AutoCAD and Civil 3D
- Added a free download of NCS Key-based Layer Filters for Civil 3D
Additions and Updates for AutoCAD 2019 release products
on the AutoCAD Online Help page
Documentation and Help – requires Register and Login
- Updates and additions to the Spreadsheet Tools... Layer Standards page
- Updates and additions to the Spreadsheet Tools... Layer Standards for CTB page
- Updates to the Spreadsheet Tools... Identity and Color page
Added the default ACI to RGB color conversion table to the page. - Updates for Release 7 2018.2 to Release 7 Details
Cadpilot Video Training – some pages require login.
- Additions to the Civil 3D Survey at Jump Speed page
- Added to the Blog Posts training page
Key-Based Layer States and Layer Filters - Additions to the InstantOn Layer Standards Overview Videos page
Civil Training on the Web – no login required
- Added new videos to the New in Civil 3D 2018 section
Sample Line and Section View Zoom To - Added new videos to the AutoCAD Civil 3D Videos section
Modify a Pipe Label Style with an Expression - Added new videos to the Vehicle Tracking Videos section
Swept Path Analysis - Added new videos to the Civil 3D Basics section
Label Style Defaults Basics - Added new videos to the Tips from Experts section
Code Set Style Materials for Infraworks, Roadway Striping from Civil 3D to Infraworks,
Update Infraworks from a Civil 3D Corridor - Added new Civil 3D Sheet Sets posts
Becoming a Master of Sheet Sets, Assign Sheet Set Properties - Added new videos to the Infraworks section
Duplicate Components with CTRL+D, Copy or Move Between Infraworks Proposals - Added new videos to the Civil 3D Survey section
RW5 Import and Traverse Adjustments - Fixes and updates to older training video posts that moved
There are Latest links on the Members page and Civil Training on the Web and collection section pages to help you locate the updates and additions.
Recent Layer and CAD Standards Posts
- Identity Utility and Colors in Civil 3D
- Civil 3D Custom Layer Standards Unleashed
- NCS Classic Utility Layers AddOn
- Civilized Standard Keys for the NCS 6.0
- Civil 3D and the NCS Q and A
Recent Civil 3D User Fundamentals Posts
- Civil 3D Description Keys Do Format
- The Civil 3D Simple Style Rules
- The Civil 3D Hierarchy Rules
- Cycle the Focus Skill in Civil 3D
- Inside the Civil 3D Data Shortcut Powers
- A Civil 3D Managed Dynamic Model Works
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