This is some scary stuff. You know the drill. The better and new is often too easy to miss. Who has time to pay careful attention in the face of ever-present project deadlines?
Early in October, Autodesk released the improved Infrastructure Parts Editor 2019.1 Update. This synchs the Infrastructure Parts Editor for both Civil 3D 2019.1 and Infraworks 2019.2. If you employ Civil 3D 2018, there is also another Infrastructure Parts Editor Update for that version.
Indeed. There are also new Generic Drainage Catalogs for Structures in Civil 3D that support structures with multiple connection points. You can see what that means in the Civil 3D 2019.1 Features In-depth webinar video. Say thanks to Tim Yarris of Autodesk. We supply a timeline on the video page to make finding that, or any other, section in the Autodesk webinar easy.
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It took a little bit (a couple of weeks) but Autodesk also added a lot of improvements to the online Help for development in the Infrastructure Parts Editor and for the building of Infrastructure Parts in Inventor. These are not exactly the same thing.
Infrastructure Parts are also referred to as Generic Objects in Infraworks. These can and probably will wind up in your Civil 3D in your future. Specialized Infrastructure Parts become things like Structures and Bridge and Tunnel components.
New Video Tutorials
Anywho, the Help improvements included entire new in-depth video tutorials for all the mechanics for both. Good stuff that you might miss in the shuffle of the rash of Autodesk’s quarterly updates.
I added new links to the cadpilot Autodesk Online Help page in a new Infrastructure Parts Editor and for Infrastructure Parts in Inventor sections to get you directly to the tutorials and the other mission critical sections of the Civil 3D Help for these updated and improved integration and customization capabilities. Awesomeness.
Autodesk Mixed Messages
I vote this makes Generic and View the new most confused/confusing named things in Autodesk products this year. When in doubt what to name it - use Generic and if it is any sort of new kind of picture call it - View. You get the Point. Oops. Isn’t Point the same sort of confused named thing in Civil 3D?
You’d think that one of the most successful software companies on the planet could somehow manage a coherent and consistent namespace in the 21st century. The latest post in the Corridor Station Labels series makes the point of that silliness expressed in subassembly PKTs that wastes our time. You can fix that.
A customer said to me this week that Autodesk’s answer to the challenge of application interoperability always to buy and install more software. He makes a good point. No surprise to me.
Speaking of training resources, I should mention and remind folks…
You Can Cast Your Training Meetings
A number of CAD Manager folk that employ the Framework (and some that don’t) like to employ our curated video library in their regular training meetings. I hope you do regular training meetings to improve your Civil 3D Skill with Thrills. You can cast almost every hosted video from a browser and/or any Android or iPhone without much trouble. Most, but not all, of our website viewers include Cast icons that work. Hoorah.
Trick or Treat! New Civil 3D ideas and training talking points with all the sweat stuff for a couple of clicks. Maybe it’s a shiny object or just a Chrome thang.
One of my training fans also wants you to know that Casting the videos to a nearby TV/monitor makes walking through the video training content much easier than on your computer alone. That’s an inventive way to multi-task technologies. The Civil 3D Framework is the faster way to learn Civil 3D. Why? Because the Framework makes Civil 3D work.
Get the Framework for Civil 3D
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