Civil 3D Point Truncation Label Style AddOns

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One of the hallmarks of the Framework for Civil 3D is our on-going dedication to make Civil 3D easier to use and simultaneously make Civil 3D simpler to customize. This is no small task. The Framework for Civil 3D is available for multiple releases of Civil 3D and in multiple NCS Standards flavors as well.

Obviously, our hallmarks are not those tallowed Congressional earmarks we hear about this time of year.

The Framework for Civil 3D is here to give your Autodesk Civil 3D a hand up not a handout.

Get the Liberty to Work in a Faster Civil 3D Today

We released the Point Truncation Label Style AddOns for Civil 3D 2022, Civil 3D 2021, and Civil 3D 2020.

An upcoming Release 8 of the Framework for Civil 3D 2022.1 will include these breathless beauties too.

Point Truncation Label Style Expression Set AddOn Choice

What if we managed to help you produce more consistent, robust, adaptive, and standardized Point Label Styles with both variable and fixed elevation truncation in Civil 3D?

What if we also supplied Label Style collections integrated with our previously released Point Offset Label Style Expression Set? Whoa.

That might make the annotation of Plan and Profile sheets a whole lot faster and improve readability at the same time. No way. Oh. Yes way.
See the recent Alignment Based Point Groups post for some in-depth written documentation.
There are videos on these Intelligent Publish on Demand (iPOD) processes and more videos on the way.

The Label Style and Expression Set approach is to select from multiple Label Style Library choices exactly what a project demands and still allow for the diverse preference demands of production work, QAQC display requirements, and multiple publishing display representations. Each such selection may differ.

Point Truncation Label Style AddOn Resources:

  • None of the new resources overwrite or replace any previously supplied resources
  • Parent and Child Label Style resources for Existing Point Label elevations
  • Parent and Child Label Style resources for Proposed Point Label elevations
  • Parent and Child Label Style resources for Current Layer Point Label elevations
  • Parent and Child Label Style resources for NoPlot Layer Point Label elevations
  • Parent and Child Label Style resources for in-line and stacked Label Style formats
  • Child Label Styles collections for each supplied Parent Label Style employ
    the 8 standard forms of rotational representations
    in 45-degree increments (0,45,90,135,180,225,270, 315)
  • Support for multiple variations of Truncated digits display (includes variable and fixed digits forms)
  • Support for Point Label elevation display in tenths and standard hundredths precision with or without truncation
  • Support and separate Style collections for Truncated Point Offset Label Styles
    All variable truncation Point Label Styles with Offsets are supplied with tenths and hundredths precision
    Prototype fixed truncation Point Label Styles with Offsets are supplied
  • Supplied Parent and Child Label Styles honor Civil 3D Feature and Label Style Type Label Style Defaults, Civil 3D hierarchy rules, and Parent Child component inheritance
  • Separate stand-alone +ALWAYS IMPORT Expression Set Truncation, Offset, and Height of Style resource drawings to more easily allow the construction of customized Label Style resource drawings
  • Separate Expression Set resource documentation in ASCII text files
  • Separate example COGO Point drawing is supplied for testing of Style resources drawings

Framework Expression Set Label Style collections assume most customization will include the standard practice of deleting unwanted Parent and/or Child Styles in production and publishing templates.

Point Truncation Label Style Type Codes

Register and see the on-line Documentation and Help >> Labels in Civil 3D section for Label Style Expression Set conventions and details.

Point Truncation Label Style Conventions

Label Style collection resource drawing names and Label Style names include Condition type (Current, Existing, Proposed, NoPlot), Offset Type and Level name. Many common Point Label Style variants of the above are supplied.

All supplied Label Style collection resource drawings are supplied in the typical Framework Style collection STB format. Label Style resources may be employed in CTB templates and drawings without issues.

The Label Style name convention for NOPLOT versions is intentionally different
(These include a (Qa) and NP separator to make user Label Style identification easier)

Label Style collection supports Point Number, Elevation, and both Raw and Full Description codes in various offset Point Label formats. The Raw and Full Description codes may be based on any customer, client, or project requirements.

The Label Style Layer routing conforms to common Current (CL), Existing (Ex), Proposed (Pr), and NoPlot (Qa) NCS 6.0 Layer Standard Label defaults (e.g. NODE-LABL). These Layer routing defaults also support the AIA small-building layer scheme.

Layer routing for Label Styles can be easily modified and customized to other Layer Standards by the AutoCAD Rename command or by an applied Rename Script.
See the Framework Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools and help found in the Members section on the website.

All Parent Styles may be easily modified to turn OFF Line display in Child Styles. By default, a visible Line is drawn from the insertion point to one end of the Offset Point Label. Stacked Text is employed for Dragged States.

All Parent Styles may be easily modified to turn ON Label Style Marker components in Child Styles. By default, a Point Style is employed at the insertion point. A selection of typical Marker blocks is supplied.

All the supplied Rotated Child Styles employ modified component structure arrangements to produce consistent readability results for those Child Styles that employ one Label Style Text component.
Marker components are employed to location the Label resolution appropriately.
If you copy and edit the Parent Styles, be careful to check and update the structures of the rotated Child Styles for the appropriate behavior and readability.

Truncation Label Style Expression Set

The TRUNC Expression Sets resolve the number of digits displayed but shifting the Elevation value, truncation, and pulling the digits to the right of the decimal from the new number in the Label Style component by formatting the number in the Text Component Editor details.
See the supplied ASCII text file documentation included with the specific Label Style Expression Set resources.

Variable and fixed Truncation Label Style Expression Set resources and Label Style collections are supplied in standard hundredths and tenths elevation resolutions.

Offset Label Style Expression Set

A set of 8 Expressions control the Offset distance from the Point location to the Text component in the supplied Label Style collections.
Adjustments are automatically made for the current Annotative Scale by the Offset Expressions.

The 8 supplied distance adjustment values are based the Golden Ratio (phi) and are therefore a selected list of appropriate Fibonacci numbers.
If you find the values and scaling to be inappropriate, the supplied distance adjustment values can be customized by editing the supplied Offset Expressions,

A choice to employ even or odd numbered Label Styles with Offset Expressions produces two separate three level standards of offset from the entire range.

Construct a Label Style Expression Set Resource

See the on-line Documentation and Help >> Labels in Civil 3D section for Label Style Expression Set updated drawing resource construction methods and details.

Based on the project demands and requirements select the appropriate levels of elevation truncation and/or offset required. The choice may vary by Label Style Type.

Speaking of Hallmarks

We believe this latest Label Style Expression Set is a significant improvement to the annotative capabilities of Autodesk Civil 3D for 2020, 2021, and Civil 3D 2022.

You might say the new Point Truncation Label Style AddOns are an important addition to the benchmark that is the Framework for Civil 3D.

The Power to Make Civil 3D Work Faster
Get the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8