Autodesk Civil 3D is a feature rich production environment for surveyors and civil engineers. We all discover that Civil 3D requires customization to be usable in real world projects. The cost of this Civil 3D Template, Civil 3D Style, and other mission-critical resource development may quickly become greater than the cost of the software itself. The on-going maintenance and total cost of ownership costs can make things worse.
"Surveyors need to gather, analyze, and publish data not customize software or build interfaces."
The Framework for Civil 3D for Survey
The Framework for Civil 3D affordably and directly addresses these significant problems at a level of adaptive detail and robust consistency unmatched anywhere else in the marketplace.
The Framework for Civil 3D delivers this extraordinary level of Civil 3D Survey production excellence in multiple releases of Civil 3D.
Let’s demonstrate the Framework’s Jump Kit product differences and benefits in a couple of typical projects with our innovative technology and Framework enhanced Publish on Demand approach to the classic survey deliverable challenges.
Civil 3D Survey that Delivers Publish on Demand Field to Finish
The video covers the essentials of Framework powered Civil 3D Point Wizardry for the Civil 3D Plan Production Tools.
See the Civil 3D Survey at Jump Speed page and Point Wizardry in Civil 3D page for help and videos.
A switch between systems of integrated DescKeySets and Figure Dbs, allows our customers to employ the same coded survey data to produce deliverables in different Layer and/or Symbol systems with less effort.
With the Framework the Civil 3D project structures, workflows, and daily Civil 3D User work remains consistent and repeatable. Only the current application of the integrated system of Civil 3D Style specifics changes.
Civil 3D Point Wizardry for Site Plans
The Framework for Civil 3D capabilities are demonstrably field tested, functional, and practical in demanding and complex survey and civil engineering production environments.
Check out the Survey Query Essentials page and video.
Framework Symbol Set, Publish on Demand and Label Style Expression Set technologies and resources make deliverable production of Survey project data adaptive, consistent, and robust.
Preview an example of the Framework Symbols Documentation PDF.
Framework for Civil 3D for Survey
Thousands and thousands of field-tested Survey and Design Codes are supplied for all forms and types of civil infrastructure with adaptive libraries for many common and specialized projects.
The odds are your current codes are in there.
The supplied Match Your Codes Tool allows you to build code translator Description Key Sets to recode survey data from any other code system.
A vast library of many different folders of classified types of customizable Description Key Sets are included in both XML and DWG formats for easy inclusion into Civil 3D projects. All support integrated Survey Prefix databases matched to multiple industry Layer Standards.
Here’s the huge list of the supported kinds of civil infrastructure supported:
Airfields, Boundaries, Buildings, Easements and ROWs, Ecologic features, Flood Control, Hazardous Materials, Monumentation, Pavement Markings, Pavement Words Railways, Signage, Structures, Topo, Traffic Signals, Trees, USA Markup, Vaults (sized), Vegetation, and Wetlands.
Basic and Complex forms of prebuilt combination Code libraries are also included.
All forms of civil utility infrastructure are supported in-depth including many specialized forms.
All support multiple and fully customizable Survey Prefix Dbs and support fully customizable Layer Standards.
The Framework for Civil 3D Spreadsheet Tools
The Framework supplies the in-depth and detailed resources and a powerful set of comprehensive Spreadsheet Tools to allow customers to quickly match and tweak the integrated systems to meet their general or project specific needs.
“Your Spreadsheet Tools make building and maintaining our company standards for Civil 3D and AutoCAD a reality. Well worth the price of admission.”
Framework for Civil 3D Spreadsheet Tools supplied:
Multiple Layer Standard Tools in multiple forms and with STB and CTB support, Code Management Tool, Survey Prefix Db Management Tool, Survey Query Creation and Management Tool, Description Key Set Management Tool, Symbol Management and Maintenance Tool, Legends and Lists, Symbol Exchange, and a Linetype Standards Tool.
The Framework for Civil 3D Spreadsheet Tools include continuously improved online help and training resources. Many Spreadsheet Tools are regularly updated with AddOns and Updates.
Register, become and site Member, and visit Documentation and Help to find out more.
The Framework for Civil 3D resources and tools famously work well with Civil 3D 3rd party software and survey software and tools from equipment suppliers.
The Framework for Civil 3D is a Manufactured Solution
We create and maintain managed, engineered, and manufactured Civil 3D parts and other resources that work together in an integrated Civil 3D system that produces better, robust, and more adaptive behavior from Autodesk Civil 3D for the benefit many customers with very different needs.
Join the many Framework customers who discover that their implementation of Civil 3D can be significantly improved very affordably with all or part of the Framework for Civil 3D.
The Better Survey for Civil 3D
Get the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8