How we annotate our Civil 3D Surface models with Contour Labels is far from the mindless task it first appears. Is anything in Civil 3D as simple as it first appears? Each and every Surface Contour Label can become many in Autodesk Civil 3D. We also face the somewhat unnerving deliverables publication challenge of What if.
What if our client’s reasonable demand for a specific civil engineering design or survey Surface published deliverable is not exactly what we can provide today?
What if the new project demands more detail and specifics than our current Contour Label Styles collections and Civil 3D Templates contain.
No problem.
Time to create, rollout, and implement a new Contour Label Style.
Funny thing. In Civil 3D…
The One Becomes the Many
Then we must maintain the Styles in our production environment (or not) while Autodesk continues to improve and change Civil 3D underneath our feet. Comes with the territory.
The Framework for Civil 3D Contour Labels Get Better
Here in Civil 3D Land we really do deliver on the promise of continuous development and improvement.
The Framework for Civil 3D has always included reasonable and functional variety of Contour Label Styles. These were built and are faithfully maintained based on the many requests from our customers over the last decade of the Framework’s development. Last year the Contours Label Style Expression Set was our first successful and well received Label Style Expression Set.
We ask that dangerous question, “Can we can do better?”
Contour Label Style Expression Set Review
This week we released a new and improved Release 8 Contour Label Style Expression Set AddOns for Autodesk Civil 3D 2022, Autodesk Civil 3D 2021, and Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.
The Framework for Civil 3D Contour Label Style Expression Set AddOns support the latest Update builds of Civil 3D 2022, Civil 3D 2021, and Civil 3D 2020.
We released more powerful and detailed updates for the Contour Label Style Expression Set AddOns.
Current Jump Kit 8 and Jump Kit 8 AIA customers may download the Contour Label Style Expression Set AddOn from the respective product download pages.
The Contour Label Style Expression Set AddOn is a complete replacement of the previously released version.
Contour Label Style Expression Set
- None of the new resources overwrite or replace any previously supplied resources
- Parent Label Style resources for Existing contours
(includes Parent and Child Label Styles and default generic Parent Label Styles) - Parent Label Style resources for Proposed contours
(includes support for User contours and Differential Surface contours) - Parent Label Style resources for Current Layer contours
(includes Parent and Child Label Styles) - Parent Label Style resources for No Plot Layer contours
(includes Parent and Child Label Styles) - Child Label Styles collections for each supplied Parent Label Style employ the 4 standard forms of Civil 3D Borders – No Border, Box (rectangular), Circle, and Oval (rounded rectangular)
- Support for a wide variety of Label Style classified Label routed Layer representations
Labels can be assigned to Surface, Surface Label, generic Contour Label, Major and/or Minor Contour Label, and variations of Contour User Label Layers in Existing and Proposed conditions
(See the Contour Label Style Type Codes below) - Support for 8 variations of Truncated digits display (includes variable and fixed digits forms)
- Support for Contour display in tenths and hundredths with or without Truncation
- Supplied Parent and Child Label Styles honor Civil 3D Feature and Label Style Type Label Style Defaults, Civil 3D hierarchy rules, and Parent Child component inheritance
- Separate stand-alone +ALWAYS IMPORT Expression Set Truncation Style resource drawings to more easily allow the construction of customized Label Style resource drawings
- Separate Expression Set documentation supplied in ASCII text files
- Expression Set Testing drawing resources
Framework Expression Set Label Style collections assume most customization will include the standard practice of deleting unwanted Parent and/or Child Styles in production and publishing templates.
The latest Contour Label Style Expression Set updates include:
- Expression Set updates and additions to make the Contour Expression Set consistent in behaviors and naming conventions with other Label Style Expression Sets
- Updates to the Label Style collection resource drawing names and folder structure
- Consistency updates to the Label Style names
- Requested additional Label Style collection resources
The Contour Label Style Expression Set AddOns are based on the Framework for Civil 3D Style Tool innovation – the Label Style Expression Set.
What is a Label Style Expression Set?
A managed collection of Expressions and a Label Style library that employs them.
Contour Label Style Expression Set
The done deal for a Label Style Expression Set requires a lot of carefully thought-out design, detailed production work, and the disciplined magic of craftmanship.
If you catch the drift, a Civil 3D Label Style Expression Set is the difference between knock off replacement car parts and a collection of specialized, tuned, high-performance parts that work together better.
More Civil 3D Work in Less Time with Better Results
The Contour Label Style Expression Set supports full and both fixed and variable Contour elevation truncation in a host of formats. These include Contour Label right of digit display in tenths and hundredths to support Cut and Fill contours and other design time demands and requirements.
The Contour Label Style AddOn contains a staggering collection of thousands of Contour Label Styles in easy to use and simple to manage specialized resource drawings.
Build an Expression Set Resource Drawing
The Contour Label Style Expression Set is the Framework for Civil 3D product - the batteries are included. The Jump Kit even includes our famous Sandbox projects to help you test and perfect the results.
Define your project demands, construct a Style collection resource drawing, and test the result. Add that beauty that now contains exactly what you need to your classic Civil 3D Template, or Civil 3D Reference Template (TREF), or any Civil 3D project drawing.
Detail documented help for this next generation Framework Label Style Expression Set is available online in detail on this website.
Register, become a site Member, and login for lots of help on many things Civil 3D.
Civil 3D 2023 Upgrade Protection
Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 is on the way. We can and do make this simple…
We guarantee that a Framework for Civil 3D product for one release of Civil 3D will upgrade to the next release. We do have more than a decade of practice systematically managing Civil 3D Upgrades and Updates. This demonstrably works for civil engineering, survey, and public agency customers large and small.
If you purchase a new copy or upgrade to a latest flavor of Jump Kit Release 8 for Civil 3D 2022 between March 15, 2022 and the official Jump Kit Release 8 for Civil 3D 2023 release date, we’ll give you a free Upgrade to the Jump Kit Release 8 for Civil 3D 2023 when that product is available.
Get The Liberty to Make Civil 3D Work Better
Get the Framework for Civil 3D Release 8