Oct 9, 2020 – Autodesk halts the availability and delivery access of the Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5 Update
The Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5 Update is no longer available via the Autodesk Desktop Connector app or via download from the Autodesk subscription site.
A number of reported customer issues with the 2020.5 Update caused Autodesk to stop the availability of the Civil 3D 2020.5 Update.
The Civil 3D 2020.5 Update can be uninstalled.
As of this publication date of this post, Autodesk had not posted publicly about specifics or on the availability of a follow up release and/or Hotfix of this Update.
Autodesk did remove Civil 3D 2020.5 Update references from the Civil 3D 2020 Help on-line.