Nov 16, 2020 – Autodesk released the Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update
The Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update is available via the Autodesk Desktop Connector app or via download from the Autodesk subscription site.
The update requires access to the original install resources.
Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update includes the product fixes included in Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.1, Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.2, Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.3, Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.4 and the previous Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5 Updates.
Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update
The Civil 3D 2020.5 Update release includes updated features, performance enhancements, and fixes for Autodesk Civil 3D 2020.
The Civil 3D 2020 help files were updated to reflect previously undocumented changes made in Civil 3D 2020 and in some earlier Updates.
Read the Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update notes in the Civil 3D 2020 on-line Help
Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update New Features
Many of these Civil 3D 2020.5.1 update enhancements reflect changes made in Civil 3D 2021 and Updates. Many changes and fixes keep the Civil 3D Object Models in these Civil 3D releases in sync.
Feature Line Editing
Use new commands to insert points on crossing feature lines, to edit the grade or slope on multiple feature lines, and to set the elevation of a point on a feature-line based corridor at a given grade or slope from a specified location.
Autodesk Collaboration for Civil 3D
Support has been added for reference templates and sheet set data files
The install of proper version of the Autodesk Desktop Connector is required.
ArcGIS Data Workflows
Refresh an ArcGIS dataset in your drawing so that it matches the ArcGIS dataset online, and add new Civil 3D objects to ArcGIS
Gravity Network Analysis
Gravity network analysis has a new setting named Use Conservative Travel Time that you can use to specify whether the minimum velocity or the calculated design velocity will be used to calculate the pipe section time if the design velocity is smaller than the minimum velocity
Civil 3D 2020.5.1 Update Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue in which synchronizing a pipe network data reference would incorrectly update the pipe and structure names with the pipe network name.
- Fixed an issue in which a data referenced alignment that was used as a reference for a pipe network was not updated after the alignment name was updated in the source drawing.
- Fixed an issue in which the reference surface name for a pipe was not updated in a host drawing after the surface name was updated in the source drawing.
- Fixed a stability issue that occurred when opening the Layer Palette if a reference template was attached to the drawing and the AeccRefTemplateAutoUpdate system variable was set to 2.
- Fixed an issue in which data shortcut reference data was not updated after using the Repair Broken Shortcuts command if the source was changed before repairing the data shortcuts.
- Fixed an issue in which the Prospector and Settings tabs could not be displayed again after turning them off. Fixed an issue in which the Prospector and Settings tabs were unexpectedly shown again when Civil 3D was restarted after turning them off.
Civil 3D 2020.5 Update Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue in which the method Alignment.StationandOffset would throw exceptions when a point was not on an entity.
- Fixed an issue in which it was not possible to set the survey working folder through the API if the folder was read-only. Since this is allowed in the product, setting a read-only survey working folder through the API is now also allowed. This fix affects both the .NET and the ActiveX API.
- Improved data shortcuts in .NET to maintain data when a drawing is saved, closed, and reopened.
Autodesk Collaboration for Civil 3D
- The path shown for drawings stored in BIM 360 now starts with BIM 360:\ instead of starting with C:\Users< username >\BIM 360.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the opening of multiple drawings if they had an online status in BIM 360.
- Fixed a stability issue that would occur when the same drawing in a sheet set data (DST) file was opened by different users on different machines.
- Fixed a stability issue that would occur when opening a drawing from BIM 360.
- Reference templates are now uploaded and downloaded when you upload or download drawings that reference them.
- The paths to the reference templates are maintained when the reference templates are uploaded, downloaded, or moved within BIM 360.
- Fixed an issue in which the catchment flow path was drawn when "Draw flow path" was not selected.
- Fixed an issue in which a corridor offset was created as positive instead of negative when the offset value that was input was close to 0.
Cross Sections
- Updated the DraftingBuffer command to display the current command status on the command line.
- Fixed an issue in which section labels would disappear from a section view when its parent sample line becomes skewed, due to missing point codes on shape edges.
- Fixed an issue in which some corridor section labels were not shown in the Corridor Section Editor.
Data Shortcuts
- Improved performance when opening a drawing that contained many section views.
- Fixed an issue in which newly created data shortcut folders would disappear when the Data Shortcuts tree was refreshed or when Civil 3D was restarted.
- Fixed an issue in which creating a data reference to a corridor surface that is not selected in the corridor properties in the source drawing resulted in a "Layer name cannot be empty" message.
- Fixed an issue in which corridor section labels could not be created for data referenced corridors when the source drawing was not available.
- Fixed a stability issue that would occur when creating a data reference to a sample line group that sampled a corridor surface that was not selected in the corridor properties.
- Fixed an issue in which it was not possible to select the pipe label styles when "Include source labels" was selected in the Create Pipe Network Reference and Create Pressure Network Reference dialog boxes.
- A new system variable named DSFolderXMLCreationOption has been added to provide control over where the ShortcutsFolders.xml file will be created.
- When DSFolderXMLCreationOption is set to 0, the ShortcutsFolders.xml file will be created in the top level project folder.
- When DSFolderXMLCreationOption is set to 1, the ShortcutsFolders.xml file will be created in the _Shortcuts folder inside the project folder.
The search path order for the ShortcutsFolder.xml file is now as follows:
Data shortcut project folder
For example, if there is a ShortcutsFolder.xml file in both the Shortcuts folder and the project folder, only the file in the Shortcuts folder will be used.
ESRI ArcGIS Data Workflows
- Fixed an issue in which ArcGIS Domain values did not import correctly with the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS.
Export Civil 3D Drawing
- Fixed an issue in which MicroStation Connect v13 remained open at completion of the drawing export.
- Fixed a stability issue that would occur when exporting to DGN if both MicroStation V8i and MicroStation Connect v13 were installed.
Feature Lines
- Fixed an issue in which editing a feature line in the same site as a feature line used in a surface or corridor did not update the surface or corridor.
- Fixed an issue in which label style components would be missing from the Summary tab of the Label Style Composer dialog box.
- Fixed a performance issue that occurred when closing the Toolspace when many drawings are open.
- Fixed an issue in which a parcel area report did not generate in a *.xls file.
Pipe Networks
- Fixed an issue in which the section time value shown in the gravity network analysis report was not correct.
- Fixed an issue in which the rainfall file in the Analyze Gravity Network dialog box was the last file used by the user instead of the last file used for the drawing.
- Added the ability to use a distance unit for the Spread value on the Results page of the Analyze Gravity Network dialog box.
- Fixed an issue in which the label components for 2D Length - Center to Center and 3D Length - Center to Center did not display correct values.
- Fixed an issue in which the Invert Elevation column was empty in the Match Elevation dialog box.
- Fixed an issue in which the Bypass Target property was empty for a data referenced pipe network.
- When adjusting the height of a structure, if the adjusted structure height exceeds the range in catalog, the maximum or the minimum height will now be used.
- If the adjusted structure height is larger than the maximum height, then the maximum height will be used. If the adjusted structure height is smaller than the minimum height, then the minimum height will be used.
- Fixed an issue in which an invalid query in a point group resulted in the display of unexpected characters on the command line.
- Fixed an issue in which the Operator field for the Full Description property in a point group query was not populated with the standard options.
Pressure Networks
- Added the ability to add pressure network fitting and appurtenance labels in section view.
- Fixed an issue in which the catalog-defined blocks for fittings and appurtenances did not appear correctly in profile view.
Quantity Takeoff
- Fixed a stability issue that could occur when computing materials while the default Quantity Takeoff Criteria was blank and a referenced template was attached.
Reference Templates
- Fixed an issue in which having styles referenced from a second reference template would cause the first reference template to be ignored.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error message to be displayed when the Audit command was entered at the command line.
- Fixed an issue in which labels that contain property set information would change to <> when AeccRefTemplateAutoUpdate is set as 0.
- Fixed an issue in which imported labels that contained property set information would not display correctly.
- Fixed an issue in which linetypes were not referenced from a reference template.
- Fixed an issue in which the Structure Type and Dimension Mappings in the Pipe Network feature settings were not referenced by a reference template.
- Fixed an issue in which the Alignment Relation Report reported an incorrect offset value for the last station.
- The TxReportAlignPoints command has been replaced with the AeccReportAlignPoints command.
- Before using the AeccReportAlignPoints command, enter NETLOAD at the command line and select c:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2020\C3D\AeccTransportationX.dll.
- The .dll must be loaded each time Civil 3D is restarted in order to run the report.
- For more information, see To Generate a Points on Alignment Report.
- Fixed an issue in which some corridor section labels were duplicated in section view after selecting an option to stagger the labels.
- Fixed an issue in which the record of elevations was incorrect when importing a survey data file.