Oct 7, 2016 – Autodesk releases the latest feature upgrade to Autodesk ReCap Pro
The new version of Autodesk ReCap Pro 3.1 includes 4 new important features for integrating point cloud, photo, and now even CAD models.
This ReCap update displays in the Autodesk Desktop App if your license includes ReCap Pro access.
Autodesk ReCap Pro 3.1
Here’s the brief summary from the Autodesk ReCap Community Manager.
Expanded Registration
The latest ReCap now allows you to combine high-end, high-fidelity terrestrial laser scans with unstructured point clouds. Unstructured point clouds are created when data is scanned without a reference frame. Common examples are point clouds from scans performed with UAVs, or mobile scanners that are mounted on cars or boats or planes, or even hand-held sensors.
ReCap now allows you to align data from terrestrial scanner and unstructured point clouds with just a few clicks. You simply view the two different point clouds in ReCap, pick three common points from both views, and the unstructured data will automatically scale and align.
Import CAD Models
The panoramic Real Views capabilities of ReCap represent a powerful visualization and communication tool.
A new ReCap feature allows you to import a Navisworks project (a NWD file) into ReCap.
Because almost any kind of CAD file can be imported into Navisworks, this feature basically lets you import almost any kind of CAD geometry into ReCap! Buildings, plants, furniture, etc...
Export Images
The ability to export images from ReCap has been one of the most common suggestions in the online ReCap Ideas Board. The new ReCap update includes functionality for exporting high-resolution JPEG or PNG image files.
Many people use ReCap and the product’s Real Views to communicate spatial information about a project. To date, this has been accomplished using screen captures. Now you can export your current view or a saved View State as an image file for use in presentations, documentation, or to share with colleagues.
To export an image, you select the format, the dimensions, the image name, and browse to a file destination.
Change the Background Color
The dark background of the ReCap environment can get pretty boring. The background color can also cause projection issues. You can now change the background color of ReCap.
You can either choose a single color or a two-color gradient.