Apr 7, 2016 – Autodesk releases Hotfixes for AutoCAD 2017 and AutoCAD 2016 and all AutoCAD based products for those releases.
The released AutoCAD hotfixes address different issues in both the 2017 and 2016 releases.
AutoCAD 2017 Hotfix 1
Released Apr 1, 2017
The following issues are addressed by the AutoCAD 2017 Hotfix 1:
- Layers of Xrefs that are frozen in viewports are plotting ellipses.
- In some languages the model documentation commands are not working.
- The number of hits for GetLineContainment is incorrectly counted.
- Xrefs show as needing reloading when opened from a network path to a shared folder.
Here’s the Readme
AutoCAD 2016 Hotfix 3
Released Apr 7, 2017 - Not yet on official Downloads page.
The hotfix assumes the AutoCAD 2016 SP 1 is already installed.
The following issues are addressed by the AutoCAD 2016 Hotfix 3:
- May crash when panning transparently in multiple viewports.
- Performance problem opening files containing specific objects in AutoCAD 2016 may appear as if files cannot be opened.
- Use of the LISP (command) function within the (mapcar) function results in VVC Internal Error.
- Grip stretch doesn't work properly when DYNMODE equals value other than 2 or 3.
- acedCallBackOnCancel is not detected for Lispcallable Functions.
- Certain VBA Macros throw an execution error.
- DWG file fails to insert into another DWG file.
- May crash when Copy/Paste a block by Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.
- May crash when opening AutoCAD in Windows 10.
- AcSettingSync.exe launched when running OPTIONS command.
- Annotations in Architectural Units format are changing to Decimal format.
Here’s the Readme