Jun 18, 2023 – Autodesk released the InfoDrainage Ultimate 2024.1 Update
The InfoDrainage Ultimate 2024.1 Update is available via Autodesk Access or via download from the Autodesk subscription site.
Autodesk InfoDrainage Ultimate 2024.1 Update
InfoDrainage is an automated stormwater design software program that provides comprehensive assessment of stormwater designs and is enhanced by one-click methodology, optimizing for all Runoff Reduction practices.
This major InfoDrainage Ultimate 2024 Update focuses on significant Civil 3D interoperability improvements.
Civil 3D users will note the addition of many common features from Civil 3D now supported in InforDrainage Ulitimate.
Visit the InfoDrainage What’s New page for details and video help.
Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL)
- This is a graphical representation of the pressure and gravitational potential energy of water flowing through the drainage system. HGL shows the energy level of the water as it flows through pipes, channels, or other conduits. Allows the visualization of the change in energy due to pipe friction and changes in elevation.
Energy Grade Line (EGL)
- This depicts the total energy available to the water, which includes the energy related to water velocity in addition to what is reflected in the HGL.
Part-family Awareness
- Enabled Users to specify the materials for pipes and structures/manholes directly within your project. Pipes and manholes are fundamental components of any drainage system and the materials used for these elements can significantly influence the construction cost as well as the durability under various constraints (for example, shallow pipes).
Improved Mapping When Roundtripping with Civil 3D
- Enabled Users to preserve the pipe/structure part-family when round tripping with Civil 3D. Previously, the drainage network would be categorized in the mapping process based on size, now with the improvements introduced, the mapping logic would categorize the pipes and structures based on size and material.
Civil 3D interoperability
- The issues reported in specific files when exporting from Civil 3D to InfoDrainage using English setup and Italian country kits have been resolved.
- The issues reported with InfoDrainage PSETs not being retained during the Civil 3D import process have been resolved.
- The Civil 3D import/export delays experienced by some users when loading the part families have been addressed. The import and mapping processes are now quicker.
- The import/export error associated with pipes that have no end structures assigned has been resolved. The export process does not crash, but instead, it will be exported with a simple junction in place of the missing structure.
- The issues associated with maintaining the existing style and data within Civil 3D when performing a full roundtrip with InfoDrainage have been resolved.
- The memory leakage issues associated with exporting a large Civil 3D model have been resolved.
- The issues associated with base-flow and input hydrographs losing their connections to the nodes when performing a full roundtrip with Civil 3D have been resolved.
- The issue associated with losing backdrops when performing the pipe sizing due to syncing has been resolved.
- The issue encountered when using the phase management with a dry weather run and a static run has been resolved.
- The issue reported with the Areal Reduction Factor not being applied to ARR rainfall has been resolved.
- The 1D/2D analysis error related to a particular minimum element area has been addressed.
- The issues associated with the use of cumulative rainfall and temporal patterns have been resolved.