Jul 17,2019 – MoreCompetency Inc releases the Linetypes AddOn for Civil 3D
We released a new Adaptive Linetypes AddOn that includes both new and updated Linetype resources for AutoCAD and Civil 3D. We included brand new Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools for the Framework for Civil 3D linetype resources.
Adaptive Linetypes AddOn
The Adaptive Linetypes AddOn includes new NCS 6.0 linetype resources that employ NCS 6.0 Key standards for the appropriate linetypes. In other words, the names of the linetypes are now consistent with the NCS 6.0 Keys employed in all the current variants of the NCS Layer Standards.
There are new .LIN file versions for the NCS 6.0 Framework utility scheme and the NCS 6.0 AIA large building project utility scheme. Either or both should be compatible with the recommendations of the current GSA and DOD standards.
Older Linetype Standards Improvements are Included
The Linetypes AddOn includes new and updated linetype resources for the older supplied NCS 5.0 standard including some customer requested fixes to the supplied NCS 50.lin file supplied with both Release 8 and Release 7 Jump Kit product downloads.
Updated and new versions of the linetype resources examples drawings are included for both the older NCS 5.0 and newer NCS 6.0 version variants.
- Linetype resources and examples are now delivered in variant specific folders
- Drawings include examples of all the non-stock Autodesk generic linetype definitions
- The supplied .LIN files are self-documented with detailed comments per the Framework standards.
New Linetype Spreadsheet Tools
By popular request we built brand new Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools supplied with the AddOn to help you manage and maintain linetype named resources more systematically and consistently now and in the future.
- The Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools supplied produce typical Rename scripts to adjust linetypes names in use in project drawings for different Key schemes.
- The rename scripts are supplied to convert linetype names to and from NCS 5.0 and NCS 6.0.
- The rename scripts are supplied to convert linetype names between both versions of the NCS 6.0.
- The tools can also produce Linetype Purge scripts from filtered sheets
- The supplied Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools fully document all the fixes, updates, and additions available in the new resources. New On-line help files are available on the website.
- The Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools employ the typical Excel resource Lookup Sheets and Name definitions employed in the Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools to help reduce your learning curve and maintenance time.
- If you have a documented Key-based name scheme, you can now more easily adapt all or some of the supplied linetype definitions to your own Key scheme with the Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools.
New Linetype Definitions
We added new linetype definitions to the NCS 6.0 variant resources into the supplied .LIN files based on customer requests and feedback. Additions and changes are documented in the Linetype Standards Spreadsheet Tools and in the .LIN resource files.
Where to get the Adaptive Linetypes AddOn
The Adaptive Linetypes AddOn is available to Jump Kit customers via they product download page in all supported Civil 3D releases.
The Adaptive Linetypes AddOn will be available for both Framework for Civil 3D Releases and versions of Jump Kit Civil 3D 2018- Jump Kit Civil 3D 2020.