May 15, 2023 - MoreCompetency Inc releases the NCS 6 Layer Standards Update AddOns for Civil 3D 2023 and Civil 3D 2022
The NCS 6 Layer Standards Update AddOns for Civil 3D 2023 and Civil 3D 2022 are now available to Jump Kit Release 8 product customers for download from the respective download pages on the website.
The new and updated NCS 6+ and NCS 6+ AIA Layer Standards resources will be supplied in the upcoming release of Jump Kit Release 8 for Civil 3D 2024 product.
The new NCS 6 Layer Standards resources are not included in Templates Only products.
To purchase the NCS 6+ and NCS 6+ AIA Layer Standards resources separately - Send an email to
The included Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools do support the creation, management, and maintenance of any Layer Standard based on any Key-based system. Customization may be required.
The Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tool output may also be employed with other Civil 3D third party software that supports the use of CSV, XML, or Microsoft Excel based layer content.
NCS 6 Layer Standards Update AddOns
The NCS 6 Layer Standards Update AddOns replace previously supplied NCS 6+ and NCS 6+ AIA Framework for Civil 3D Release 8 Layer Standards resources. These include Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools, drawings file, Standards file, and script file resources for both STB and CTB.
All Layer Standards Updates may be employed in all Release 8 versions for Civil 3D versions 2024-2021.
Layer Standards resource drawings (.dwg), Layer Standard (.dws), and script (.scr) files are supplied.
All the updated Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools file names updated to end in 2024 where appropriate.
Layer Standards updates for NCS 6.0+ and NCS AIA 6.0+ to improved Rail and Grading Optimization integration are included. New Sheets were added to the Layer Standards Spreadsheet Tools to manage the new Layer Standards resources.
The supplied Layer Standards resources allow the Layers and Layer States to be easily added to templates and/or production drawings.
Added Keys for Rail and Grading Optimization
The following new NCS 6 Keys were added to support Civil 3D Rail and Grading Optimization.
- BALL - Ballast
- BEND - Bend
- SLEP - Sleeper
New Layer States for Rail and Grading Optimization
New Release 8 NCS 6 and NCS AIA Layer States for both STB and CTB were added to support Civil 3D Rail and Grading Optimization.
- GO is employed as a name prefix for Grading Optimization Layer States to act as a subset
- Rail is employed as a name prefix for Rail Layer States to act as a subset
The new NCS 6+ Layers and Layer States are not employed in supplied Framework for Civil 3D Template resources for consistency.
Framework NCS Layer Standards Documentation
All the website Layer Standards on line help pages are updated to reflect changes, improvements, and additions provided in the new NCS 6+ and NCS 6+ AIA Layer Standards for STB and CTB.