Dec 26, 2016 – MoreCompetency Inc releases a new Survey Query AddOn for the Framework for Civil 3D.
AutoCAD Civil 3D does next to nothing to encourage you to do externalize Survey Queries to work across projects. We can fix that with better Civil 3D civil engineering design and survey production solutions.
Framework for Civil 3D Survey Query AddOn
Our Framework customers can now login and download our latest AddOn for AutoCAD Civil 3D.
The Survey Query AddOn in a simple, KISS Query Library folder structure with a raft of Framework Survey Code compliant QML files that are handy for many common Survey Db tasks.
We even included a new Survey Queries Spreadsheet Tool to help you create and manage your own.
We included a Examples version of the Survey Query Tool with many InstantOn sheets and QML files built from IntantOn Description Key Sets.
The in-depth, on-line documentation and customization help is already up in the website Members section.
Login and download the Survey Query AddOn today.