Nov 29, 2016 – MoreCompetency Inc releases the Symbol Exchange AddOn for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017, 2016, and 2015
AutoCAD Civil 3D symbols are now even easier to customize and maintain in the multiple releases of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017, 2016, and 2015.
Symbol Exchange AddOn
A common request made by Framework for AutoCAD Civil 3D customers is way to more easily update the supplied Symbol Set block graphics and other block details (e.g. insertion points, hatch fills, Multiview representations, etc.).
The Symbol Exchange AddOn employs a standard method and practice to do exactly that.
The method is easy to maintain and simple for end users to execute in both shared network environments or on local computers.
Login and download the Release 7 Symbol Exchange AddOn today from the release specific product download page.
This AddOn includes an update to the Symbols Maintenance Spreadsheet Tool.
The Members on-line detailed help for the Symbol Exchange Tools is already available.