This blog and website takes on the tough production topics in AutoCAD Civil 3D. Far as I can tell it’s really one of the only Civil 3D blogs that does on a regular basis these days. Thanks to my readers. Follow me on Twitter to get all the posts.
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Ok. Yes. Others bloggers like civil3dreminders…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Dec 31, 2015
Tags Upgrade, Update, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2015, help, Release 6, spreadsheet, blog
This is spooky. We could call it haunting. It’s the horror of new support online.
The technical support staff are well-intentioned and very skilled about their product and software. But they are answering all my questions from their perspective and experience and NOT from mine. Arrrrrrrgh!
The typical customer "identification process" is bad if it skips from the human to the technical…
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Posted by Tench Tilghman Oct 29, 2015
Autodesk continues a mid-summer barrage of updates and hotfixes for the latest release of
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016.Earlier this week Autodesk released a Help file update for Storm Sewers 2016 Help.
The new compiled CHM file is available from the Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D updates download page.
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 20, 2015
Tags Update, Service Pack, help
The month’s CadPilot Member’s AutoCAD Civil 3D Help and Training updates are a big deal.
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Ok. Not so big a deal as the uproar over the free upgrade to Windows 10 that Autodesk does not YET officially support. Are they kidding? The operating system event comes as a surprise?
Isn’t Autodesk bringing 3D printing to our kids in conjunction with Windows 10?
If you…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Aug 13, 2015
Tags help, training, Civil 3D, windows 10, Update
Like a pack of tamed raptors and an aged Terminator I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that becoming a Member of comes with benefits for AutoCAD Civil 3D users and organizations.
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Dude. We got the goods and the scoop on Civil 3D productivity. Civil engineers, Surveyors, and Governments happily depend on our products.
They probably won’t tell you that. We…
Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jul 24, 2015
Tags help, video, Members, Civil 3D, Civil 3D 2016, Civil 3D 2015, training