There are a formal sets of dualities built into AutoCAD Civil 3D. Whether we perceive or employ these model-based software pairings for our benefit is another matter altogether. Every Civil 3D user struggles with these dualities to one degree or another. Frankly, it’s even a bit difficult to talk about them in Civil 3D without being a bit confusing. You can end up sounding like…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 11, 2018
Tags implementation, training, bucket, Name Template, dynamic model, names, Style Management
Every once in a while a new Framework for Civil 3D customer calls and asks why we put the “- JS” at the end of all the Framework Style names. This simple suffix device serves a very significant purpose and help to answer the first most important question about using and customizing AutoCAD Civil 3D…
“How do you know the difference…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 09, 2018
Tags implementation, training, bucket, Name Template, dynamic model, names, Style Management, Style
The production mechanics of AutoCAD Civil 3D’s interconnected and project-based Dynamic Model is powerful. It can be overwhelming. Maybe we all aren’t so clear what that means at a practical and daily work level.
Long time CAD users are faced with a daunting certainty when they are confronted by Civil 3D. The simple world of basic CAD primitives is replaced by things that…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Feb 28, 2017
Tags surface, alignment, parcel, dynamic model, bucket, training
Civil 3D Styles and Label Styles employ (reference) the AutoCAD named parts to express themselves. Civil 3D Style tools just look for and match the right names that we’ve agreed to. Change the meaning of the property definitions connected to those agreed names and you can change anything.
In formal terms employing the practice of Style management…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Jan 28, 2016
Tags implementation, training, bucket, Name Template, dynamic model, names, Style Management
People wave their hands and talk about BIM, Model-Based software, and Model-Based design. What do these words really mean to civil engineers and surveyors? Where does the rubber hit the road?
Maybe the answer is simple. Maybe not.
It sure appears to take a while for people to get to the unexpected consequences.Model-Based is Simple and Elegant
We build…
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Posted by
Tench Tilghman
Sep 17, 2015
Tags implementation, model, publish on demand